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Interesting artwork.
Posted By: IshubarashI (11/10/2010 8:30:06 PM)


The image quality here is horrendous, but if you can get a look at the art in better quality it's pretty cool!

We can all see the discarded blade on the pillow, owned by the "knight" of course, because who would keep a blade in the presence of an unarmed lady when you have been summoned to her bedchambers? A barely clothed woman can't possibly hide a blade, and she has no armor. She's defenseless, right?
Well this supposed knight certainly thought so, much to his immediate dismay.
The knight in the image is, in fact, holding a rather intimidating knife in his right hand, it's the same color as his shirt so it's a bit hard to spot at first glance. He is likely a hired assassin who played the role of a noble man with an innocent mind. However, Gwendlyn has beaten him at his own game and if you look carefully, she is holding a small blade to his throat, which is why he looks so surprised. Both of them had intentions to kill one another from the beginning, but Gwendlyn's wit outmatched t... (see all)
Posted By: N03y3D33R (1/18/2014 6:13:17 PM)


I want one only for the art.
Posted By: slann01 (7/30/2010 5:21:30 AM)


Epic. Simply the art is worth playing it.
Posted By: Aun (4/23/2010 2:54:14 PM)


An actually good legend from Legends? The equivalent of a 4/4 for 4 (unheard of in those days) and an ability better than Hypnotic Specter's? Not bad at all.

@markarmor: there were a few other decent ones. Nebuchadnezzar, Jacques le Vert, Hazezon Tamar, and Bartel Runeaxe come to mind.
Posted By: achilleselbow (7/26/2010 1:43:13 PM)


Better then some of the legendary creatures at the time...but that's not saying much.
Posted By: GruesomeGoo (1/24/2010 5:52:16 PM)


I'd tap her all night long. there happy now?
Posted By: supershawn (3/20/2010 4:35:56 PM)


3/5 for 4 with a useful ability. This card is just great.
Sol'kanar is also a good 5/5 for 5 with good abilities.

Most of the other Legends in the Legends expansion are just crap due to their outrageous mana costs for just being vanilla creatures.
Posted By: getz19 (4/15/2010 11:21:51 PM)


Oh my...I do believe she's trying to seduce me...
Pretty risque for a magic card :P
Posted By: izzet_guild_mage (5/18/2010 12:21:00 PM)


She likes to play with handcuffs :p
Posted By: Aidan_McDermott (2/25/2011 5:29:28 PM)


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