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It's not that confusing. You use it to cast a creature (paying full normal casting cost) face down. Because Morph exists now, they've updated it so that face down creature is 2/2 like a morph creature (oracle had it as a 0/1 for a while). Then it turns face up whenever anything happens to it. But it's just not that good. You still cast the creature, so you can only do it on your turn at sorcery speed and it can still be countered. It does negate ETB effects, but since you still have to pay the actual casting cost, Phyrexian Dreadnought is the only stand-out creature to use with this.

However, weird interactions can happen and they obviously had to do a lot of rules wrangling to get this to work. It was like that from day 1. In Alpha, there was no answer for what happens if you cast a black creature face down with this and then it's targeted with terror. I guess that would be one of those "flip a coin if you can't figure out the rule... (see all)
Posted By: GainsBanding (10/8/2010 3:47:09 AM)


Me no understand...
Posted By: Ajani_is_da_man (2/24/2010 2:09:11 PM)


Compleatly re-written simply to ensure rules consistancy for face-down cards. This didn't give creatures Morph in the old days, that's a new working. And it's not a lot of text for the effect, it's about 2 to 2-and-a-half lines more then the effect needs.
And this is not a practically basic effect, it's a unique and complex effect that was even more unique and complex in it's original version.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (3/22/2010 4:02:53 AM)


the most confusing card. EVER
Posted By: Styny (11/21/2009 10:54:39 AM)


"If the creature that spell becomes as it resolves has not been turned face up and would assign or deal damage, be dealt damage, or become tapped, instead it's turned face up and assigns or deals damage, is dealt damage, or becomes tapped".... What? I don't understand this card. It's also total different than the original version. Wazgoingonmanh!
Posted By: hid@n (6/17/2010 10:09:48 PM)


if god comes into the battlefield... .... ...
Posted By: Kloid (2/10/2010 6:49:01 PM)


Okay, so... ... ... It gives any monster Morph if you pay its actual summoning cost or more. Only instead of paying another cost to flip it again, it auto-flips if it does anything. That's a -lot- of text for such a practically basic effect. Or am I seriously missing something here?
Posted By: GradiustheFox (3/16/2010 12:56:15 AM)


This card eats comes-into-play penalties. Fans of Eater of Days and Phyrexian Dreadnought, rejoice.
Posted By: Salient (8/27/2011 10:05:39 PM)


Just remember when playing this card, your opponent can counter every creature played by the Mask with a free Chalice of the Void.
Posted By: theAzaZeL (12/11/2011 12:01:44 PM)


So... If I use a Innistrad double-faced cards... do my creature has free transform for 0? =D
Nope. Chuck Testa =(
Posted By: Wizpal (1/16/2012 12:39:27 PM)


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