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Community Rating: 4.592 / 5  (76 votes)
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I tried to read what this card says and I went horribly cross-eyed.
Posted By: car2n (2/11/2014 9:48:38 PM)


Feels yu-gi-oh in here.
Posted By: Lazrbeams (2/12/2014 5:40:31 AM)


can someone clarify? I would think this would be in the errata but it isn't. if someone were to , say clone a facedown biovisionary, would the clone reveal what the card is? would it be a 2/2 token? note that the tules say that it becomes face up when it would "assign or deal damage, be dealt damage, or become tapped," no restrictions about being targeted for a copy.

so expensive... and all I wanted was a magic deck that played like yu gi oh!
Posted By: Arazeal (3/19/2014 5:38:03 PM)


Clone and other copy creatures are horrible with this card as without the come into play effect they are 0/0 creatures the moment you try to do anything with them.

GrimjawxRULES: Legally you are required to keep track of the costs of the creatures that you play including color type. You can not shuffle the cards to confuse your opponent to what they are as that would be a clear attempt at cheating.
Posted By: amberbock (4/4/2014 7:46:17 AM)


Confusing card.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (5/2/2014 6:52:39 AM)


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