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Community Rating: 4.017 / 5  (59 votes)
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Rasputin can combo out with a Nim Deathmantle and an unlimited sac outlet. Which means a significant number of Rasputin EDH games are won by black zombie Rasputins. Anyone else getting an Anastasia vibe here?
Posted By: Gabbalis (3/13/2014 6:54:22 AM)


The best legend from this set. It takes eight to shoot him. He can play 7 colorless mana as soon as he hits the board. He replenishes the counters which can again be used to prevent damage, and proliferate works on him. Cheat himout early andEnergy Tap and Cloudshift become his BEST FRIENDS. He's 4/1, and all this in a 6 CMC Human Wizard Legend? He belongs in any modern day set, and you'd be happy as hell to pull him.

I want THIS as a Planeswalker.

@ SonorHC: He's incredibly resistant to burn, damn near damage proof.
You won't spend 8 mana to fireball.
You won't waste 2-3 Lightning Bolts.

@WrathOfShane: Immediately, he doesn't tap for his ability.

Posted By: Psychrates (5/12/2014 9:22:16 PM)


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