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@SlackWareWolf: If you spend four dark rituals and a mind twist to empty their hand, you're left with a swamp and one card in your hand. That's a nice situation if you had the first turn and they're relying completely on topdecking lands and cheap cards, but so are you, basically. I would try to come back from that...
Posted By: MeerkatWarchief (11/22/2011 4:08:18 PM)


I remember when my friend played this card against me 15 years ago. I really wanted to punch him.
Posted By: Kragash (12/5/2011 3:39:22 AM)


I only ever got to max this out with 3 Dark Rituals on turn 1 once. It was worth it. I can't believe I sold mine.
Posted By: Okuu-chan (2/14/2012 8:06:56 PM)


If someone dropped a swamp, 3 rituals and a mind twist on T1, your opponent would have 1 random card left verses your 2 in hand plus the land you have out. A very sick advantage and much more feasible then the 4 ritual situation. Its still possible to come back for your poor opponent depending on his deck and how lucky he is with top decking lands, still that would be nasty.

1 swamp 2 rituals and mind twist is more realistic. You would leave your opponent with 3 random cards in hand and you would have 3 plus your land. This is also a nice deal, even more so if you have an extra land sitting in your hand. Those 4 cards could very well be 1 or 2 important lands that will completely screw them, and you are guaranteed not to loose one of your lands, a huge card advantage.

This completely shines without dark rituals. It can fit into any deck that runs swamps. You don't have to run discard, just slap this in their as a big smasher if you got any splash of black. T4 if you hit all your land... (see all)
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (2/20/2012 8:37:57 AM)


Cast it for the first time ever in my Mimeoplasm EDH deck. It definitely does feel satisfying to 7-for-1 someone.
Posted By: ElMikkino (2/24/2012 9:04:59 PM)


I like to remove at least three cards from my opponents hand with this card, that way I get rid of more cards than if I'd played a hymn to tourach.
Posted By: hahahahahaha (3/25/2012 10:37:38 AM)


This is the spell Liliana Vess only wishes she knew.
Posted By: Arachnos (9/17/2012 6:11:35 PM)


So its like a Braingeyser in reverse, except better.

Yea, its good.
Posted By: TheAj (12/1/2012 10:29:11 AM)


You can't easily get Rakdos's Return to go off on the first turn with enough mana to discard your opponent's entire hand, so comparing the two isn't fair.

You could conceivably play 4 Dark Rituals and exile a Simian Spirit Guide to discard your opponent's seven cards, but every one less dark ritual is two cards they keep.

Swamp (1B) -> Dark Ritual (3B) -> Simian Spirit Guide (3B1R) -> Rakdos's Return (X=2) has them discarding only two cards, which means you've traded 3 for 2. Every additional Dark Ritual increases X by 2, increasing the tradeoff to 4 for 4, then 5 for 6, then 6 for 8.

With Mind Twist, you take out the 1R cost and thus gain 1 card advantage. That's 2 for 2, then 3 for 4, then 4 for 6, then 5 for 8. That's one less card (simian) you need in your opening hand, and hitting a Mind Twist, Swamp, 2x Dark Ritual opening isn't that unlikely, which means you're nabbing 4 random cards for 3 of your cards. That's a brutal... (see all)
Posted By: igniteice (3/22/2013 8:28:06 AM)


Probably the most accurate artwork depiction of what happens when casting it on your opponent ever in the history of magic. When you get hit by this turn 2 with a dark ritual or some other mana accel... yeah, thats how you feel
Posted By: omni8000 (4/8/2013 9:03:51 PM)


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