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Community Rating: 4.053 / 5  (179 votes)
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Why plants, why not saprolings?
Posted By: Vizzerdrix80 (2/27/2010 3:59:16 AM)


This card works very well with beastmaster ascension just drop him one turn, pray for no day of judgments, and them drop the beastmaster and attack with devastating effect. Howl of the night pack can do the same thing.
Posted By: RPGsr4me (3/5/2010 12:34:35 PM)


chain reaction kills this card too.
Posted By: no_body (3/13/2010 6:38:18 AM)


Cheza, I don't feel like you are giving this card the review it is worth.

1. Yes, 7cmc is now on the slow side of things, especially in today's standard, but it is exactly what this card should be priced at. Having a 6cmc with it would be VERY good and the card would be potentially unbalancing. Having it at 5 would make it unbelievably good. For comparison, look at two recently (re)printed cards: Siege-gang Commander and Howl of the Night Pack. Siege-gang has ALWAYS been a great card, but at 5cmc it comes in with 3 1/1s and is a 2/2 with a semi-expensive ping. HOTNP is costed at 7 for 7 2/2 tokens. Yet, you think that Avenger would be fair if it cost the same as Siege gang? It's already directly better than HOTNP, so obviously there's no contention on that point. Having Avenger at 5 would make in an auto-include for any green deck capable of playing it, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

2. Really? Buy some dice and bring them with you when you play with ... (see all)
Posted By: Lancen833 (5/3/2010 5:41:07 PM)


Snapping Creeper is in this set too; it gets the boost too
Posted By: Guntz1092 (6/8/2010 8:52:08 PM)


With my turboland deck, I got this guy off before my opponent could even have his third turn.
Posted By: lufia22 (6/30/2010 11:52:53 PM)


soul foundry.

sure, it's a bit expensive, but it'll be worth it since you gain x plant tokens for 4 turns, then for every land played, they all get +1/+1 counters.

And with a green deck, mana wont be such a big problem.
Posted By: hailol (7/16/2010 4:28:37 AM)


If I have two Avenger of Zendikars in play and then play a land, do each plant token get two +1/+1 counters?

I'm guessing yes, but I could be wrong.
Posted By: strigen (8/16/2010 12:21:41 PM)


why does zendikar need to be avenged? srs question... not trying to be a jerk... I mean storyline wise.
Posted By: HuntedWumpusMustDie (9/11/2010 2:30:17 PM)


EvilCleavage " I know this guy doesn't see tourney play but in casual this guy is a powerhouse"

You obviously dont "know" what your talking about.
Posted By: SlickDragon (9/14/2010 3:09:27 PM)


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