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Community Rating: 4.570 / 5  (128 votes)
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Is this any good if you're not using things like Basking Rootwalla or 'Goyfs, though? I mean, every card in my deck had better have better uses than just giving a single creature +1/+1 for one turn.
Posted By: sonorhC (8/4/2011 8:23:20 PM)


I'd kill for this to have the subtype "beast."
Posted By: lorendorky (11/16/2011 10:33:31 AM)


This card just gets better and better, Giant growths, strength of lunacys, seal of strengths, arrogant wurms, flashbacked roar of the wurm, Brawn, basking rootwalla and that's just the cards it had when it first came out. Start with a seal of strength turn one, wild mongrel turn two, drop a swamp and swing for 2 plus Brawn, Roar of the wurm(or any other not so important to keep in hand card) and a third card ditched to the graveyard or rootwalla into play on turn three leaving you with 5/5, boost with the seal and two giant growths (or another seal if you're lucky enough to draw them) for 14/14 and top up with strength of lunacy and final card if it isn't a land for 17/16 with trample in the third turn - don't forget to shout surprise - and sit their smug knowing you still have the 4/3 wild mongrel with prot from white sitting their ready to finish the opponent off.
Brutally fast and lots of fun, as the previous guy said, you don't even have to be subtle about attacking with it, knowi... (see all)
Posted By: Axiam (4/4/2012 7:38:00 PM)


Brawn is perfect with this guy.
No doom blade.
Stops intimidate.
Dodges protection.

Cheap 2/2 for 2 and all of that.
Posted By: SnyprBB (6/26/2012 6:14:07 PM)


Why does it seem like Liliana got the short end of the Duel Deck stick? Garruk's deck is stacked...
Posted By: Continue (2/21/2013 9:14:09 AM)


Use with 4x Artful Dodge, discard your hand, dodge from the graveyard and swing for game.
Posted By: EKraj (5/29/2013 3:49:11 PM)


Can be used in Nic Fit to discard a Cabal Therapy and flash it back if you kept a no-black-mana hand. Great next to any card advantage engine. It's unfortunate he pumps Goyf/KotR, but then again; you can build your deck around that idea for green beats!

Works well with Tombstalker, Bloodghast, and other aggro/discard build creatures. Dark Confidant likes him as well, as you can plop that card advantage into board-state. Dodges thalia blocking (pump), Mom (color change), Mirran Crusader (color change), and most blockers he'd run into; so long as you can survive the card loss.

Can be glorious with Deathrite and Scavenging as well.
Posted By: blurrymadness (12/31/2013 11:44:37 AM)


Or you could just use Tamiyo's emblem...
Posted By: SirLibraryEater (3/4/2014 6:47:43 PM)


One of Gilgamesh's most hated cards.
Posted By: ZaisConsultant (5/1/2014 9:41:02 PM)


With Wild Mongrel out, discard a bunch of Sosuke's Summons and Reach of Branches cards, cast Sakura-Tribe Elder to get back all your Sosuke's Summonses, discard them, sac the elder to get a forest and bring back all your Reach of Brancheses, discard those, then attack for a lot with your mongrel.
Posted By: OlvynChuru (5/6/2014 8:01:22 PM)


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