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Absolutely one of my favorite cards ever printed. Maybe not the most powerful, but just a brick... requires a board cleaner like Day of Judgment to remove, 8/8 for 7 cmc. Love this card.
Posted By: Troutz (8/14/2010 11:04:53 PM)


I love this wurm so much, when I first saw him I knew I had to have him, because I was so sick and tired of my bomby cards getting removed by those stinky little two mana removal spells. I was sad when I had to cut it from my mono-G EDH deck. It's sadly simply outclassed by asceticism. Ah well...I believe I've found a lovely spot for him in a 60 card super-shroud deck.
Posted By: Flyheight (1/27/2011 12:13:44 PM)


however, kalonian behemoth is worse as you cannot pump it, cannot give it regenerate/indestructible, and you can't give it trample, and as such kalonian behemoth can be chump blocked by a 1/1 and if ur opponent plays a token generator deck, kalonian behemoth can almost never get through to your opponent.

this card, however, is awesome, cos it is almost impossible to remove, wrath of god/day of judgement/damnation/mass calcify are some of the few spells that can deal with it. even if your opponent has earthquake, he still needs to take at least 8 damage himself, provided you haven't pumped it up.

this guy with trample and a few auras/equipments is deadly.
Posted By: no_body (1/10/2010 5:24:36 AM)


I dunno if Dungrove Elder is better.

The elder is much cheaper, and can get more powerful than the slagwurm if time and ramp-speed was granted, but then it could only work efficiently in a mono-green deck.

Although, Plated Slagwurm isn't exactly multicolour-friendly, considering that it needs 3 G for a successful summon.

Then again, it is prime real-estate for Quicksilver Amulet.
Posted By: Ferlord (9/26/2011 2:53:38 PM)


This guy got me hooked on magic, i mean an 8/8 that your opponents can't point things at, Great!!
Posted By: Avatar_of_Wurms (10/30/2009 9:31:51 AM)


This card really is amazing, it may be 7, but it's one of the only 7 mana cost creatures I'd actually play. It's nearly impossible to remove, can still be enchanted, can still be giant growthed or add rancors too, and it just kills any color except white with their wrath of gods and day of judgements. Although a shield of the oversoul might take care of that. Behemoth sledge would just be downright hilarious with plated slagwurm, giving back 10 life at a time and trampling. Also love that it's been reprinted in garruk's deck for the garruk vs. liliana duel decks, as I plan to pick one up and will get one for my deck. Garruk + plated slagwurm is total win.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (11/24/2009 9:17:45 PM)


Killer Art,killer card!!!
Posted By: CrossroadsDemon (10/30/2009 2:37:18 PM)


8/8, shroud against opp, 7 mana? WANT
Posted By: nathaze (11/22/2009 12:31:39 PM)


This... card... is... AWESOME!!!!!!!

It's an 8/8(!) & it is immune to ALL abilities & spells! Plus, when I was playing with it I used Garruk Wildspeaker & made it an 11/11 WITH Trample.

BOTTOM LINE: It's Awesome.
Posted By: Anonymous-X (11/14/2010 12:46:29 PM)


-Honey, what's for dinner?
Posted By: ClockworkSwordfish (2/14/2010 7:15:11 PM)


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