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Community Rating: 4.260 / 5  (131 votes)
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wat a gd card. even though kalonion behemeth is better and its stilla gd card
Posted By: Alex123321 (11/12/2009 2:23:58 PM)


Turn 1: Greenseeker
Turn 2: Discard Slagwurm.
Turn 3: Animate Dead

At about this point your opponent will emit an exclamation of disgust.
Posted By: hansede (2/14/2010 1:41:15 AM)


Can this card be even interrupted as it does say on the card cant be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control and since a interrupt is a targeted spell that makes it immune correct ??

just asking for clarification
Posted By: Dimmerdark (3/3/2010 1:04:29 PM)


I LOVE this Card, the only thing that sucks is that he can be countered T^T but once he hits the board, ppl mind as well start giving up lol, but i also like Terra Stomper
Posted By: Maikeru-san (3/8/2010 4:07:54 PM)


@ SeanD86

Trollshroud (reference to Troll Ascetic) is NOT the same as Shroud. Trollshroud is so much better because it lets you continue to buff your guy. I'd glady take the 3 specific mana and -1/-1 over Kalonian Behemoth any day.
Posted By: Champion_Kitsune (3/8/2010 7:06:36 PM)


Hands down my personal favorite wurm ever, and in general one of my favorite cards, you gotta love the scale in the artwork at the very least.
I'm building a mono green EDH deck around the green Praetor right now and had to put this behemoth in, along with plenty of auras and Bellowing Tanglewurm to add to the beatdowns and Fangren PathCutter as another permanent way of giving him trample.
Posted By: R3C0N22 (6/20/2011 12:57:29 AM)


This is definitely a powerful fatty, but I'm not sure I like hexproof on such a large creature. Hexproof creatures are hard enough to deal with already. This is one of the harder ones to deal with since it's also more immune to mass burn or -X/-X effects.

@Dimmerdark - You may never see this because it's been 2+ years, but I'll answer your question anyway. Hexproof (what this ability was keyworded to) on a creature card only applies to it when it's a permanent. It can still be targeted by instants (including counterspells) when it is on the stack. For comparison's sake, check out Thrun, the Last Troll who both has hexproof and can't be countered.
Posted By: nemokara (3/19/2012 9:21:22 AM)


Throw Rancor on it and laugh ;)
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (6/6/2012 2:02:28 PM)


Attention Everyone!

plated slagwurm
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (7/25/2012 10:18:23 PM)


Ehh no trample.. it saddens me when huge stuff in green doesn't have trample.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (5/21/2013 8:02:27 AM)


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