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I feel all its used are too limited or risky:

Untap all lands for 5 mana: You'd need to have a lot more lands to see a difference, and some decks could kill you before you even get to 5 lands.
All lands become 2/2 creatures for 5 mana: Again, you would need more lands to make a difference, since most lands would be tapped. It also makes them all subject to creature removal.
Untap all lands and they become 2/2 creatures for 8 mana: 16 damage for a big 8 mana, I find that somewhat weak. Sure, having even more lands equal even more damage, but for that much mana, I'd expect something much more devastating and not really risky to play.
Posted By: Daikoru (8/31/2010 8:49:31 PM)


When I first played cards from this set, I didn't understand that "Entwine" was an additional rather than alternative cost. Let me tell you. If people let you pay 2Green to play it this card is utterly, utterly broken.

(FWIW we did figure it out after a few hours of play, and man was that ever a disappointment...)
Posted By: Salient (2/7/2012 11:54:37 PM)


I want to play this in my Riku deck and copy it for double the untapping mana madness. Seven mana is like, early game for this deck. I don't think I'll ever touch the second mode.
Posted By: CrazyLou (1/16/2013 8:34:11 PM)


This card is insane for end game changer combo. People HATE and dont trust my lands because of this lol. I would end up losing all my creatures and they would full out attack me with everything to end game...I pull out fog...next turn...this...BAM! instant win. Worked so many times...and to combo it off even more...use it with Garruk wildspeaker and use -4. all lands then are 5/5 with trample...GG
Posted By: drake3498 (3/18/2013 8:43:21 AM)


pyroclasm... Seems like a nice finisher, but If they have great creature removal... your lands are screwed..... pyroclasm....
Posted By: Burningsickle (12/21/2013 6:10:38 AM)


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