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-jaw drops- blue control just got their long-lost best friend back.
Posted By: Eternal_Blue (11/19/2010 4:35:04 AM)


If they ever reprint this card they should use the same illustration, just to *** off those who don't appreciate art gallery art.

@DrJack: You sound like a pretentious dick that can't fathom that other people like something else than you do. While I like the old illustrations of Magic the Gathering, as they were definitely more varied in style and tone, and I particularly wish that Anson Maddocks still illustrated Magic today, the illustrations of today are indubitably of a higher technical quality, and for some people, that's all they want. And there's nothing wrong with that, even though some variety and uiqueness may be lost in this attempt to make everything as photorealistic as possible.
Posted By: Tiggurix (9/20/2013 10:51:19 AM)


It is quite encouraging that many of you here appreciate the artwork of Fay Jones' "Stasis".
It's a pity that many other gamers nowadays prefer the generic, grade-B Dungeons & Dragons-style ogres and zombies on newer Magic cards over the paintings of old which actually looked like real artwork. It speaks volumes about the audience Hasbro has attracted with its interrupt-less, mana-burn-less world of reminder parantheses. The Golden Age of Magic art in sets like Legends and Ice Age was timeless and inspiring. They were beautiful and left something to the imagination. Many of them would be fit to hang on a wall in a larger size. Verduran Enchantress and Adarkar Unicorn come to mind. The newer sets' art mostly looks so much the same, one artist is indistinguishable from another. There is very little attempt at abstraction - that would be beyond the sophistication of the Play Station crowd, most likely. I would never have become a Magic fan if I was looking at cards with art like autocar... (see all)
Posted By: DrJack (7/16/2012 5:26:12 PM)


@DrJack I registered an account to commend your comment. You've made a fantastic summary of the state of card art today versus the glory that it used to be. Its something that crosses my mind every time I browse a set, new or old. Well done.
Posted By: SarcasmElemental (7/19/2012 11:58:43 AM)


............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8|D............................................ (see all)
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (12/21/2012 7:42:53 AM)


+Artifact Lands + Unwinding Clock.
Posted By: Memitim (1/20/2013 8:10:53 AM)


This would go rather nicely with Prophet of Kruphix...
Posted By: Kirroi (1/19/2014 2:10:34 PM)


Anvil of Bogardan
Iron Maiden
Winter Orb
Frozen AEther
Vedalken Mastermind
Muddle The Mixture (for its Transmute ability)

Throw in some draw spells, maybe a Howling Mine, some Twiddles/Boomerangs/Unsummons and if you are feeling nice and nasty a Prosperity or two. Mono blue and keep it 60 cards TOTAL and three to four of each of those cards. It'll play slow like a stasis deck should, but fast enough that you won't have to absorb too much damage.

(I throw Feldon's Cane in mine so I keep recycling if I need to)
Posted By: elreydepulpo (5/28/2012 11:26:37 PM)


throw into a deck with sword of feast and famine to keep your lands untapped and smile evilly?
Posted By: Wormfang (7/11/2012 6:27:13 AM)


Love it with Vedalken Mastermind. In addition to that, I like Maralen of the mornsong. what are they going to do to you with the Maralen when all of their mana is tapped?
Posted By: bantar (7/11/2012 9:59:42 PM)


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