This is just another thing Wizards does to test players, like the obligatory 6 or 7 sucky cards per set that don't seem to awful on their face. On the outside, it seems totally mundane. Pay 3, get 3. Don't pay 3, don't get 3. However, if you look deeper and realize this means you can untap it as many times as you want provided you have the mana, this becomes infinitely more useful.
Posted By:
(6/5/2013 5:08:04 PM)
One card goes infinite by itself?
Why yes it is.
Because Magic.
Posted By:
(7/30/2013 4:39:02 PM)
Grim Monolith's bigger bro.
Posted By:
(9/30/2013 6:18:21 PM)
Goes infinite with Mesmeric Orb.
Well, unless you follow it with Living Death. Or Psychic Spiral. Or Laboratory Maniac.
Posted By:
(10/25/2013 3:04:27 AM)