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One of the five pillars of vintage.
Posted By: Ihateworking (2/23/2011 3:37:26 PM)


second highest rated land in magic history as of may 2011
Posted By: ph4ntom.lance (5/6/2011 12:36:50 AM)


How is this not at least restricted?! I understand that Wizards wants to please people that are willing to shell out the money for cards like this, but this is nearly on par with Black Lotus in artifact decks. They've restricted Black Lotus regardless of its price, why not restrict this?
Posted By: GoblinNaysayer93 (6/13/2011 5:37:22 PM)


Wow that is one of the most broken cards I have ever seen. I'd like one for my EDH deck but I'd bet they cost well over $150.
Posted By: JFM2796 (7/24/2011 11:11:20 PM)


Dang if only they reprinted this......
Evidence that power creep doesn't yet truly exist for non-creature spells.

Creature spells are an entirely different story...
Posted By: Gramcrackers (12/13/2010 2:54:11 PM)


This card isn't "Broken"... NO card is "broken".... Back in about 1994, I popped open a booster of Antiquities, and got one of these from it. At the time, it was worth around 5 dollars, and I ended up trading this card for a Fungasaur, which, at the time, was worth around 7 dollars. I felt like I was ripping the guy off because the card I got was worth so much more than this thing was....

Of course, now, I think about that trade and wonder WTF I was thinking.... You do have to take into account that in 1994, Magic was NOT the way it is now, and this was not even special then. I mean, in the Artifact decks, it was cool, but back then, there wasn't really a true restricted list, so most of the time, if someone was playing an Artifact deck, or, if they were like me and had an Atog Deck, you'd just use Urza Lands, in multiples of each, ad power out anything you wanted since each one was giving you between two and three mana each anyway, and you'd pop out a 300 point Fireball in like 10 ... (see all)
Posted By: SlackWareWolf (4/4/2011 2:41:50 AM)


Who authorized this for ME?
Posted By: Shadoflaam (9/18/2011 8:47:44 AM)


It's time to reprint this card.
Posted By: Kragash (11/27/2011 6:26:04 AM)


wow, really, what were they smoking when they made this card.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (7/20/2011 9:59:47 PM)


wishing it wasn't $500 for a playset, otherwise I would be running this in my deck
xD lulz, with so many "anti artifacts" out there of every color, I would think "Artifact spells" would be lower then that
nice though

x.x I wish they would re-make this card, I am making an Artifact Replicate deck, so I need that "3 mana that can only be used for artifacts" because pretty much all my cards are turn 3 or 4, so that 2 dead turns that I have to do now, and the only thing to remady that are "Godly cards with a godly price tag" Dx
Posted By: TrueBloodWolf (8/4/2011 9:30:14 PM)


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