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Community Rating: 2.810 / 5  (21 votes)
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I know this card seems very, very expensive to use, but honestly, I can see it being good.

I play Scarecrow Tribal. I can make this guy cost 3 mana fairly easily. Now while he is indeed within shock range, he can be buffed like all creatures.

My biggest reason to get something like this? Dragons. Particularly Dragons that combo with Scourge of Valkas.

Playing the Urza's land set, I can usually get out an expensive card early on. I usually dig for Darksteel Forge.

So if I have that out, and this out.

Scourge -> Utvara Hellkite -> Swing 3 dragons -> Get 3 more -> Do a butt ton of damage.

6 Mana -> Tap -> No.

Not the best card, but it could have a place.
Posted By: DameonLG (2/28/2014 7:29:04 AM)


It's Oogy-Boogy!
Posted By: car2n (3/26/2014 6:41:41 AM)


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