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Thunder... thunder... Thunder Strike! Hooooooooooooo!
Posted By: Kirbster (8/13/2010 11:09:39 AM)


This is the kind of card you want to see a Leonin or Nacatl on. For 80's cartoons sake!
Posted By: Kryptnyt (7/11/2010 10:25:25 AM)


kiln fiend loves this, it can whack an attacking titan and survive with this.
Posted By: Sironos (9/22/2010 2:55:11 AM)


When you trust the flavor text and take a look at Lightning Reflexes,
Thunderous Might must be some kind of Spell that provides +2/+0.
Posted By: Mode (7/9/2010 7:12:35 AM)


Yay! They are printing cards for my Kiln Fiend deck that make me happy.
Posted By: UltimaCenturion (7/9/2010 11:05:30 AM)


I was surprised at how good this card was, I threw them into the ur intro pack breath of fire at prerelease with some scroll thieves and some flyers. It was completely epic, because instead of giant growthing something so that it exchanges with another creature, the first strike takes it out completely while leaving your one guy still standing. With scroll theif it was a great combo, my opponent either has to let me attack and draw a card, or risk blocking and not knowing if I had a thunder strike in my hand. I don't know if it will ever see constructed but its fun for your regular kitchen table game.

It is great with kiln fiend, +5 and first strike, can even exchange with a baneslayer, although the opponent would gain 5 life.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (7/22/2010 4:29:12 PM)


Nice card, DarthParallax, but there's but one problem. It should be called Mjolnir.
Posted By: Tiggurix (5/4/2012 2:55:29 AM)


It reminds me of Guided Strike, without the cantrip... or a more expensive Kindled Fury for one more point of power.

It'll be good for Kiln Fiend decks, if they can find a place for it.
Posted By: nammertime (7/8/2010 4:10:20 PM)


Sound of the drums
Beatin' in my heart
The thunder of guns!
Tore me apart
You've been - thunderstruck!
Posted By: PolskiSuzeren (11/16/2010 7:16:36 PM)


The art on this card makes me think of Thor. Not the best, but certainly interesting and fun enough in its own right. I'd run it in a deck if I had the room for it.
Posted By: sarroth (8/9/2010 10:54:31 PM)


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