Anyone the can deal with this in EDH is not playing the format correctly.
Posted By:
(12/15/2013 12:53:51 AM)
After playing this and against this in multi-player commander a lot, this isn't the greatest to be honest, you generally get 1 swing and then it gets killed by shriekmaws terminates doom blades even chainer's edicts and Oblivion Rings, hell I've even had it geth's verdicted. When you draw it after you are below 30 or when your opponents have access to more mana, this is just a dead card, worse then a land even. A good early-game is all about mana development and not aggressively attacking life totals; You want your late game to do the talking rather then busting out of the gates hard and fast. You generally can't win if you are targeted by all 3 opponents on turn 1.
In single-player, this is even too much for a hyper-aggro deck like Krenko, Mob Boss to outrace due to the lifegain, a 12 point life swing every turn is very hard to come b... (see all)
Posted By:
(12/25/2013 8:01:27 AM)
Interestingly, in Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013, this has slightly different text, and reads "As long has you have 10 more life than your starting life total, Serra Ascendant gets +5/+5 and has flying."
I thought it was interesting, and even more so that no one mentioned it.
Posted By:
(12/28/2013 11:48:05 PM)
@kruggiero fun fact! Wizards of the Coast doesn't actually determine the banned list for EDH. They defer all responsibilities for the format (rules, bans, etc) to the original creators of EDH. Take your rage up with them, not WotC.
Posted By:
(1/17/2014 8:04:37 PM)
In DoTP 2013 they actually errata'd this card to say 10 more than your starting life. It was dominating the EDH format where one deck could have multiple copies of this card.
Posted By:
(2/12/2014 6:56:55 AM)
Does Wizards listen to petitions for EDH bans?
Posted By:
(3/7/2014 11:21:13 AM)
Card text should say "Play this creature in Commander and get blocked on Magic Online"
Posted By:
(3/27/2014 12:53:35 PM)
Almost unplayably bad in single-player. Broken in multiplayer and commander. Very annoying to play against for that reason alone.
Posted By:
(4/23/2014 9:53:14 PM)
Even if a 6/6 flying lifelink for (w) can be beat, it doesn't make it fair. Sure, you can kill it, but now their 1-drop has eaten your removal very early in the game. On top of that, you have to not be using something like lightning bolt to kill it. It is stupid to think the card is fine. If they go and print a 6/6 flying lifelink in standard but there is sufficient removal that it will most likely die in the first 2 turns (getting 1 swing on a lucky day), it would still be stupid.
Imagine a modern zoo deck with 4 of these guys (assuming they have the bonuses right off the bat). Sure, you can kill them, but it makes their deck WAAYY to deadly for it to be fair. Imagine 2HG with 2 zoo decks each running 4 of these in place of their loam lions. Good luck winning that.
Posted By:
(5/22/2014 9:22:42 AM)
In EDH this is one of the best first turn plays, up there with sol ring. A 6/6 beater is a threat at nearly any point in the game, it's one hell of a threat turn one.
Posted By:
(6/4/2014 6:06:04 AM)