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Considering that there's Slagstorm and Flame Slash aplenty in my standard mono-red burn deck, I find it handy sometimes to run 1 or 2. If they have a blocker, it essentially turns creature-only burn into player damage as well. Sure, it's useless if they have a lot of chump blockers, but isn't that what Pyroclasm is for?

Trample aside, I think that it would be interesting to see one of these burn elementals (the Ball Lightning family of creatures) that came with flash or a kicker that damages a creature perhaps-- to give options besides attack when there's no creatures without having to mow them down. I mean, if this had flash, it would be a fun 5 burn at an attacking creature -or- a 5 burn to a player without creatures.

Just a thought.
Posted By: Zaneshift (5/4/2011 6:18:12 AM)


Yay Bull Lightning!
Posted By: Cpt.Average (6/5/2011 7:22:26 PM)


If you think about it this is either an undercosted lava axe or (on turn 3-5 usualy) a creature kill for three mana. That seems pretty good to me, but there is also the fact that your oponet choses what suits them best.
Posted By: Annoyingblueplayer (8/14/2011 5:08:41 PM)


Ox tribal?
Posted By: azure_drake222222 (2/6/2013 7:59:16 PM)


its fun with ooze garden or with stone giant.
Posted By: O0oze (6/20/2013 6:43:14 AM)


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