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Community Rating: 4.165 / 5  (139 votes)
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Nice to have in, 6 for a 6/6 is great. The counter is good, but the odds of your opponent having 2 extra lands is pretty high. Don't count on red elemental blast not hitting. All in all, he's pretty good.
Posted By: divine_exodus (8/17/2010 10:12:04 AM)


I've been running a mana ramp Blue Green that combos him with rite of replcation. If timed right it's not that hard for me to slap down 6 of these guys by like turn 6 and i have counter and quick green drops to keep my opponets off of me until then... I can lokc down the whole board with that deck
Posted By: wolfwood86 (9/9/2010 9:12:00 AM)



You know, I thought the exact same thing.. That was, until I got my butt kicked at my local FNM by a mono blue control deck. My opponent played multiple Spreading Seas to render my lands essentially useless, drops a Frost Titan to tap out my only creature, then on the following turn pays the kicker cost of Rite of Replication to create 5 copies of frost titan tapping out my entire field. I became a sitting duck and proceeded to take 36 damage the following turn.. Needless to say, that was not a fun game..
Posted By: chrisxgordon (9/12/2010 8:55:26 PM)


What seemed (initially) to be the weakest link of the titan family may in fact be the best of the bunch. Frosty's recent showing of top 8's in states seems to support the fact that he was vastly underrated. Anything with Blue in it likely has the potential to be the best of the cycle, as witnessed with the Boon cycle, Ancestral Recall 100000x > Giant Growth & Healing Salve , as well as the Command cycle Cryptic Command 100000000x > Incendiary Command % Profane Command.

In the case of Frosty though, R&D attempted to nerf him as much as possible, and as such his rightful color pie keyword of shroud was instead changed to a much less potent pseudo-shroud. This is in line with R&D's attempt to tame blue as seen with the devolution of Counterspell into jank like Rune Snag or Mana Leak.
Posted By: SlickDragon (10/19/2010 4:44:45 AM)


I'm trying to decide right now what to use in my BlueWhite Control. I already have two Baneslayers, and I'm stuck between using two Frost Titan's or two Sphinx of Jwar Isle. What do you guys think? I know it depends who I'm playing, but generally, what do you guys think? Thanks for the input.
Posted By: EvilCleavage (10/28/2010 9:32:21 PM)


Originally underrated, especially in comparison to the Primeval variant, Frost Titan is certainly powerful in the right decks. The combination of tapping your opponent's dangerous creature (like Baneslayer, Vampire Nighthawk, or something along those lines) and having built in evasion is nice, but this guy makes blue happy for another reason; in circumstances where the Titan itself is targeted, they'll need an extra two mana to even pass the Titan's counter. With cards like Turn Aside in mirrodin, though, you can then counter any spell that your opponent targets the Titan for only 1 mana with the added benefit of costing them two more lands just to have their spell countered.
The build is good for a blue creature, and at a modest six mana, it fits into a blue control deck's idea of the ideal control general. 4.5/5
Posted By: d-101 (3/26/2012 10:12:36 AM)


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