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y helo thar powercreep!
Posted By: Eternal_Blue (7/9/2010 8:30:57 PM)


...green weenie?wut?
Posted By: U-caster (7/8/2010 3:06:47 PM)


need a playset. this is DEFENITELY going into my Primalcrux + Khalni Hydra deck replacing my Nissa's Chosen (i dont have Nissa anyway. =P).

Power creep.... so enjoyable...

if i may quote someone else's statement from another card:

"power creep no longer creeps. it gallops." \m/
Posted By: Wratharrow (7/15/2010 2:58:30 AM)


Wall of Omens kind of puts a damper on his early game aggro capabilities, but he's still pretty good for his cost.
Posted By: Nagoragama (10/24/2010 12:04:02 PM)


Strictly worse than Watchwolf.

Posted By: Swag_Crow (12/27/2013 7:49:42 AM)


There will be 15 mono green creatures with trample in standard when SOM is released. Many of them are very very good. Khalni Hydra, Pelakka Wurm, Primeval Titan and of course this thing. That's all you get you silly greenies ^.^
Posted By: Wraique (7/9/2010 1:14:40 AM)


I used to think this card was so overpowered. It probably is. I didnt think so any more when I got myself 4 of these
Posted By: made4ipod (1/1/2011 4:01:15 PM)


Why do people call this power creep... it is nothing like Tarmogoyf.

remember that this card needs you to play mono green, as it isn't good enough for you really want to splash it in somewhere... sure you can do it, but it will cost a lot of it's power just splashing in another color.

tarmogoyf however is easy to splash and gets much stronger lategame, so even if you miss you forest you can still get a strong creature and turn 4 or 5. even with mana open for counterspells.

It is not powercreep when they simpli adjust the power from one card type to another... so it is only the eternal formats that get hit. standard and extended is just adjusted.
Posted By: theis999 (8/30/2010 1:05:24 PM)


powercreep even at commons:

watchwolf was a harder to find uncommon, that was much more color intensive than two green mana. plus, not every creature back in the day was a 3/3 for 3 with two or more abilities, as it is today. I understand they want to buff monogreen, but hell, overwhelming stampede is all monogreen will ever need.

3/5, because new kids who play dont have fun without powercreep
Posted By: gromgrom777 (8/18/2010 7:49:24 AM)


wow powercreep. but glad green is finding its place as the nobrainer creature colour. I don't play green but back in the day it and white were by far the weakest colours.
Posted By: Mindbend (8/20/2010 3:37:00 PM)


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