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Very powerful card. That being said, I find it distasteful. It's way more powerful than its cost should. 6 mana should not summon a 6/6 trampler that can repeatedly bring out ANY lands two at a time. Just because it's mythic rare doesn't mean one should be so insane in having this kind of card power for so cheap. Mythic rare status doesn't stop it from being in any tournament devotee's hands.
Posted By: Cyberium (9/15/2010 5:10:19 PM)


This may not be for the REALLY REALLY fast decks that rely on one and two drops. But it does do everything you could need in a deck that needs a lot of mana for big creatures. of course W/B control won't use it, but it is very useful in the decks it's used in!
Posted By: Beastlygreen (9/21/2010 7:51:16 PM)


I like this dude...but his price tag that comes with it does not reflect how good it actually. I'd rather have a Baneslayer Angel for 40 bucks rather than this dude. This guy is nuts at anytime when it gets out to thin out decks and explode mana pools
Posted By: dacow (9/28/2010 9:35:07 AM)


@ Beastlygreen

actually, it is for fast decks. a valakut ramp deck with this thing in it enables fifth turn kills.
turn 1: mountain (1 mountain, 1 land)
turn 2: forest, khalni heart (1 mountain, 2 land)
turn 3: mountain, explore, terramorphic expanse into mountain, sac khalni heart for 1 mountain, 1 forest (4 mountains, 6 land)
turn 4: mountain, primeval titan for 2 valakut (5 mountain, 9 land)
turn 5: mountain, *6 damage from valakut*, harrow for 2 mountains *12 damage*, harrow for 2 more mountains, *another 12 damage*, (and if they aren't dead yet) swing with titan *6 damage if unblocked* for 2 mountains, *12 more damage*, comet storm for 6.
turn 5 damage potential: 54 damage.

and this isn't, surprisingly enough, a god hand. a dedicated deck built around dropping this guy gets pretty frightening consistently around turn 5 or 6.
Posted By: Spags (9/28/2010 8:59:19 PM)


This card is too powerful in EDH, he can find cabal coffers and urborg tomb of yawgmoth together to double your mana immediately.

Though I do have to say, the time is just right for his printing. New landfall mechanic to play with, Eldrazi to ramp into, lots of nonbasic land tech. Standard could not have asked for a more relevant card.
Posted By: Pwnsaw (10/17/2010 2:47:31 PM)


Thanks for letting me win so many games Primeval Titan.
i used to play control a lot, but ever since primeval was printed i had to swicth.
i have being playing valakut ramp and eldarzi ramp for two months and my DCI rating is the highest it has ever being.
Primeval Titan is broken is so many levels and he has the potential for so many combinations. Best creatures in T2 for ramp no doubt about it.
Posted By: nineyears (11/2/2010 5:36:10 AM)


The people who are saying this is the best card is standard, you are wrong: Jace, the mindsculptor

I agree that this guy can bring about some pretty impressive combos, but without adequate backup I believe he is actually the weakest of the titans, simply because he doesn't have a direct effect on the board.
Posted By: Gezus82 (11/2/2010 8:26:09 PM)


now bear with me, cuz this deck is a little spendy, but it's well worth it imho.
also this is for casual play....

4 of these bad boys
2 avenger of zendikar
2 ob nixiilis
1 rampaging baloths
4 lotus cobra
4 vinelasher kudzu

4 maelstorm pulse
4 demonic tutors
4 entomb
4 exhume
2 scapeshift

3 amulet of vigor
2 crucible of worlds

2 bayou
3 terramorphic expanse
3 evolving wilds
6 forest
5 swamps

it's a pretty fun deck =D

some good sideboard cards, to me are:
the fastbond + zuran orb with crucible of worlds combo
the dark depths + vampire hexmage combo and throw in some lightning greeves for good measure
Posted By: vomitron6000 (11/24/2010 2:42:08 PM)


When this first came out, I said to myself, "My god that's ridiculous". Then I rethought, deciding if if you have the mana to cast him, you really don't need much more in standard (besides, if you haven't won by the fifth turn in standard, I say you just lost). Then I started seeing all the combo decks built around him and revised my opinion yet again. Most definitely a great card, but I sure as hell can't afford to get one. It's going to keep me buying those M11 packs though :)
Posted By: Faildini (12/6/2010 7:07:38 AM)


Originally, I didn't think too much of this guy. However, the Valakut combo creates a terrifying deck. Perhaps just as terrifying for mill decks is the potential to combo this with 4 Hedron Crabs. 1 land at start of turn is already 12 cards, then 24 from Titan entering play, so 36 in one turn... Sadistic Sacrament to clear out the big eldrazi anti-mill cards, and you're done. 5/5
Posted By: d-101 (12/26/2010 12:50:35 AM)


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