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in a devour deck oh you killed my 4/4 :(

devour the 2 2/2s into predator dragon

devour the 4 1/1s into Mycoloth
Posted By: Wormfang (3/5/2011 2:09:21 AM)


Really love it ! Attach a Deathrender so when it dies (besides the 6/6 stat :O ) to spawn 2x(2/2)token plus a mighty beast with a minor cost of 2 like Quilled Slagwurm (10/10 with deathrender) and Token armor like Boar Umbra.
Result : Quilled Slagwurm (13/13)+Totem armor and 2x(2/2) Tokens with persist..
Total Cost : 5(summon)+4(deathrender)+2(equip)=11 cost devided in two turns.. pretty awsome i think !
Posted By: SinDorej (4/13/2011 7:53:17 AM)


How about running this guy with bloodthrone vampire to allow for a deadly 15 point fling. I just tied for first at an FNM tourny with a pretty obnoxious standard Jund deck running this guy with sarkhan the mad and pawn of ulamog, along with some hefty black and red removal. Good times!
Posted By: BananaJohn (4/21/2011 11:52:36 AM)


This is what I love about new cards in core sets! It's great to see tropes like the "Asteroids Monster" getting some love!
Posted By: armogohma (5/15/2011 1:29:09 AM)


Ashnod's Altar for a net +9 mana the turn you cast it, or 14 on other turns. This means if you have 6 green mana, an ashnod's out, and a gelatinous genesis in hand, you can:
-Cast mitotic slime
-sac it for the net 9 mana
-put out 4 4/4s with genesis

If it's the next turn you instead:
-get 14 mana
-put out 7 7/7's, or if you use the other mana you had out the turn before, 9 9/9's.

Needless to say while it's a rare occasion, when it happens it's astonishingly beautiful.

Not sure what you're saying/implying. Tokens DO go to the graveyard but immediately cease to exist.
Posted By: blurrymadness (5/19/2011 2:09:43 PM)


This card is so abusable with any type of persist or regen. Melira + Cauldron of souls + Sac Engine= Infinite 2/2 & 1/1 Ooze.

Now I do know that there are many better infinite creature combos, but cmon it's OOZE!!!!!
Posted By: Amorgan (7/5/2011 7:53:47 PM)


like a russian doll, you get 6 hidden creatures inside this one 4/4, for a total of 7 creatures, which can be lethal with any sac engine like nantuko husk.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (7/23/2011 2:58:07 PM)


A 4/4, 2 2/2s, and 4 1/1s for 5 mana.
Posted By: scorpiolegend (8/25/2011 9:25:51 PM)


This needs to be re-printed in the new Un-set (When i finally comes out) and split one step further into Little Girls
Posted By: Kruggles (4/2/2012 11:24:52 PM)


Splinter Twin!

Wont work, its put into exile, not in graveyard
Posted By: Fallout90 (6/12/2012 11:30:21 AM)


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