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Community Rating: 4.247 / 5  (180 votes)
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People have the wrong idea about this card. One guy said it would have no problem with any white card, but a simple wrath of god would kill it. Another guy said a blue Clone would work on it, but it won't. When it says can't be the target of nongreen spells, it only applies to cards that use the word "target" if the word "target" is not on the card, it works.
Posted By: Dunk_On_U1 (11/9/2012 12:11:06 AM)


i went to a local legacy tournament with a ramp deck and this guy in it, i played against three delver decks and won against them all because of this thing dropping on turn three.. i felt like god that day.. and one countertop deck
Posted By: thisisthedave1 (12/8/2013 9:33:42 AM)


I remember pulling this, my first mythic, out of a booster pack at Target at the tender age of 10.
The Timmy in me was born that day.
Posted By: SirLibraryEater (2/22/2014 1:51:55 PM)


Giant multi-limbed treefolk body with a Deer Head that seems a little too small. As awesome as it may be that tiny head always makes me chuckle.
Posted By: N03y3D33R (3/24/2014 10:21:54 PM)


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