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This card here tells counterspell to go take a hike (among many other nifty things).

Question 1: No, it doesn't count as casting. This is explained in the rulings underneath the card.
Question 2: Again, no, unfortunately. The copy of the spell only exists on the stack and disappears completely once it gets exiled. You may exile it (I can't see why you would except to maybe avoid a Vulturous Zombie trigger or something like that), but it would cease to exist as it hits exile and therefore would not be able to come back next turn.

The copy would be kicked. Whenever a spell is copied, all aspects of that spell at the time they are on the stack are copied: whether or not it was kicked/how many times it was kicked; what mode(s) were chosen (if someone plays a cryptic command you cannot change which two effects were selected); which half of a split spell was selected (If someone cast Hide /... (see all)
Posted By: Flyheight (9/9/2010 3:19:01 PM)


Red needed this, white was starting to get out of hand!!!
Posted By: Mprime818 (10/25/2010 3:12:54 PM)


This is an example of a subtle use of bureaucracy: this is not a functional reprint of a card in the reserved list just because the copy isn't red...
Posted By: Paolino (1/10/2012 9:25:01 AM)


My best use of this card is in my R/B burn deck. Sorin's Vengeance. :P
Posted By: NoFace22 (9/12/2012 12:27:53 PM)


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