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I used to overlook this thing. No idea why. Maybe I read it wrong.

Reliable green card draw is so useful, especially in a 4/4 body. Best non-rare green creature in my opinion.
Posted By: Laguz (8/29/2010 4:20:36 PM)


@OmegaSerris - Green has better draw than Black? I mean green has Greater Good, which is an amazing card, but are you forgetting Necropotence? Yawgmoth's Bargain? Phyrexian Arena? Graveborn Muse? (I could continue but I'll stop here) You need to consider that some of these cards are banned/resticted in eternal, which certainly says something.

If anything Black has the best draw because you're not paying mana for it. -1 life for a draw is simply broken because every card you draw should do more than 1 damage to your opponent, and at that point you're not paying mana to draw leaving you with mana to play all the cards you just got.

Now that all of that is out of the way, the problem with this guy is that he simply costs too much to really effect the game in any serious way. This guy is a 5 drop, meaning in a Stompy deck I can play in consistently on turn 4, however that drop i... (see all)
Posted By: Kitty_the_Kat (7/18/2011 3:29:42 AM)


Yay, primordial sage is back in standard
Posted By: Gezus82 (7/12/2010 12:56:30 PM)


Such a good card in draft and sealed. A decent beater, and a card drawing engine - considering green has 3 power creatures as early as 2 mana, and at common (Garruk's Companion), it's not hard to trigger, and any extra card drawing in a deck is nice.

I'd *love* to play him alongside Garruk though. Turning Garruk's second ability into "Put a 3/3 beast onto the battlefield and draw a card" just sounds brutal.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (7/23/2010 5:23:11 PM)


Alright, just for clearance, let's say I have a Gaea's Anthem out, then I decide to kick the Wolfbriar Elemental, I draw a card for each time it's kicked, correct? Because that's a pretty fun combo it seems.
Posted By: Ryney (8/31/2010 3:07:49 AM)


By the time this guy's out, your big guys should be coming in. So perfectly executed, and its just big enough to avoid burn. Not a game changer but a great supporting beasty.
Posted By: JWMidnight (7/9/2010 11:33:06 PM)


I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned this yet, but here's a combo that I just LOVE using.

This guy + Joraga Warcaller in an elf deck. When you're paying 1 or 2 mana to play an elf and draw a card, you can get a ton of elves out on the battlefield fast as long as you have a healthy supply of Elvish Archdruids. Run with the Fauna Shaman + Vengevine combo and things get even more fun.
Posted By: WhiteyMcFly (12/15/2010 9:39:19 PM)


I likey where Don is goin with the tuskcaller idea, especially since I pulled 3 of em and want to sell them for like 150 bucks if that ever came to pass :P
Posted By: Kryptnyt (7/11/2010 8:55:56 AM)


Card draw in Green = lolwut

I know it's been done before, but still...I always considered that more Blue's thing, maybe Black's.
Posted By: Saxophonist (12/14/2010 7:05:10 PM)


Garruk believes bigger is better....and this is case and point!!!!!
Posted By: Dr_Fletchers (9/3/2011 7:53:17 AM)


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