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Community Rating: 3.849 / 5  (83 votes)
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I got 2 of these in draft - nice synergy with Clone and a few Unsummons.
Posted By: JenBroness (8/14/2010 11:03:20 AM)


Thinking of this and Nacatl War-Pride sends shivers down my spine. I love the idea of the word "May" saving your deck.

If that isn't crazy enough for you, add in Reliquary Tower and Endless Swarm.
Posted By: kiseki (4/10/2012 1:40:31 AM)


How we met.. On DOTP 2012 ps3. I was playing the Ghoulcaller deck in campaign mode against Garruk's horde, of course. It was pretty close, don't recall the details 100% but he had this guy and 2 or 3 2/2's. I had 2 or 3 3/3 Zombie tokens from a recently dead Grave Titan and Lord of the Undead. Skinrender and Titan in the graveyard. In my hand, 2 or 3 cards including Reanimate. I swing with a token, he blocks and kills it with this guy. So now he's 4/1. Next step, I use Lord Undeads ability to return a Zombie targeting Skinrender whom I play targeting this guy who then goes to the graveyard. I reanimate him and he comes over to the dark side. HOLY S**T!! He was so badass in this deck that has next to nothing (minus a Grave Defiler), as far as card draw, that I decided to splash green JUST for him in a new deck, outside the Ps3 obviously. Turned out to be a GREAT c... (see all)
Posted By: Mike-C (4/11/2012 7:07:01 AM)



In rebuttal, humans are simply animals with speech. Language animals have the capacity to interpret other people, which I would argue, more and more in our day and age, is being neglected. With conservatives in power our society is leaning toward individual endeavours and devaluing kindness and understanding. A quick Internet search will find you a number of example of animal compassion and even interspecies play. Beyond that animals share amongst their groups when it can be afforded, which people rarely do. They just take their hybrid cars and charitable donations as excuses to be more selfish in their social lives.

This card is good.
Posted By: MindAblaze (6/30/2012 8:33:47 AM)


@iSlapTrees: I do. And I use Viashino Cutthroat.

@MindAblaze: Somebody read up on altruism in the animal kingdom.
Posted By: blindthrall (7/8/2012 3:03:05 AM)


Synergizes with {G}.
Posted By: tcollins (1/18/2014 10:21:33 PM)


I find this to be much better than cards like soul of the harvest which is often included in mono green edh lists as a draw engine - this guy triggers on tokens and is 1 cmc cheaper.
Posted By: TastyWumpus (3/16/2014 2:43:18 AM)


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