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I used to play a black-white knights deck with multiples of this, White Knight, and Riftmarked Knight (for the suspend). It was like a lovely, happy family of black and white knights with protection from each other. Amusing.
Posted By: Cactmoore (11/15/2011 9:45:10 AM)


Notice the difference between the m11 and the m10 black knight.

I think wizards got a new scanner :D
Posted By: iSlapTrees (4/22/2011 5:33:44 PM)


My friend bragged about this G/W infect deck he made one day. He had used a lot of time and thought on making it and was very ready to whoop my ass. I had this and Vampire Hexmage kill all his troops (except for that one green one that has to be sacced after combat which I let through) and him without much effort, and my friend got so angry that he didn't say a word after three games. I left his house while doing everything in my power not to laugh, not because he lost but because he got so mad.
Posted By: AshToMoutHound (6/29/2013 1:13:32 PM)


A 2/2 first strike that cant be pathed or oblivion ringed?
Sign me up for some of that action.
Posted By: The_Sturm (7/9/2010 12:43:30 AM)


This guy shrugs off all targeted white removal and things like Doom Blade. Aside from a few black spells or red removal, he is positioned very well as a 2 drop that will cause a lot of players more than a little bit of trouble.
Posted By: Temple_Garden (7/10/2010 12:32:56 PM)


Although cooler than vampire hexmage, black knight will see no standard play as long as the planeswalker killer is legal.
Posted By: metalevolence (8/4/2010 11:31:16 AM)


Attacks from white are always just a flesh wound. Still a classic.
Posted By: A0602 (7/8/2010 5:29:16 PM)


Isn't this reminder text for protection slightly wrong? It CAN be dealt damage by white sources, it's just that the damage is normally prevented. Important distinction with things like Unstable Footing.
Posted By: achilleselbow (7/14/2010 3:27:17 PM)


Haha Knight Exemplar for teh win.
This becomes almost completely unanswerable with a Knight Exemplar out.
Oh, how I wish I had these and Knight Exemplar.
Posted By: UltimaCenturion (7/12/2010 11:15:29 AM)


Oblivion ring reads:

"When Oblivion Ring enters the battlefield, exile another target nonland permanent."

Target. Therefore it cannot work on this card as it cannot target it.
Posted By: Sothasil (5/14/2012 11:40:35 AM)


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