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Back in black and this time he's human!
Posted By: pushbuttonmagic (7/11/2010 3:49:13 PM)


Rule 604.1. Static abilities do something all the time rather than being activated or triggered. They are written as statements, and they're simply true.

I believe that the reminder text is right, but I'll try it out on MTGO and see what happens just for you. Play Unstable Footing, attack with random white creature, have my GF block with Black Knight and see if the Knight takes combat damage. I'll edit this when I find out. Although if someone else tests it before I wouldn't mind that either.
Posted By: Eved (7/29/2010 1:21:46 PM)


Fyi, he prefers to be called African American Knight.
Posted By: n00bmag1 (7/26/2010 6:12:08 AM)


On constructed: If you're okay with running upwards of four two-drops, this card can easily fit into a mono-black deck, mainly because of its ability to evade Wall of Omens. But if we consider Mirrodin with its +1/+1 counters and all, and Scars' imminent release, I think that the already highly preferred Hexmage is simply going to win out.
On limited: I tend to feel disinclined to take Black Knight early unless I know that I'm going heavy black, but I shouldn't. Even when the knight doesn't land on turn two, it's still going to tie up the ground, and when it does land on time (especially in black aggro), your opponent is going to be in a world of hurt. Sometimes when you're facing white it even ends up winning games all on its lonesome. When you're going black, this is a pretty high pick; but when you see it early in pack one, don't read too heavily into it. Your opponents are probably waiting, thinking that they can't afford to take a CC two-drop early.
Posted By: Selez (8/20/2010 3:30:40 PM)


Old glory!

Can avoid anything white!
Posted By: Ratazana (3/6/2013 9:44:55 AM)


good card but in the battle of white vs black blue is the winner
Posted By: penguinmage25 (11/9/2011 6:07:23 PM)


Puts hoofprints on the face of anyone playing monowhite.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (7/15/2010 3:07:51 AM)


2/2 is kind of too weak for a first strike ability. Hand of Cruelty is a little bit better.
Posted By: AXER (7/10/2010 5:22:03 AM)


why couldn't i have got three of these in my packs at prerelease instead of 3 Liliana's Caress?
Posted By: roqbthepirate (7/12/2010 6:12:57 AM)


Sturm, it actually can be Oblivion Ringed, because OR doesn't target--its exile effect is technically independent from the card, thus this guy's protection from white is irrelevant. Path to Exile does target, so Black Knight is protected.
Posted By: Joseph_Leito (7/2/2011 10:29:04 PM)


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