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Community Rating: 4.260 / 5  (121 votes)
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Still one of my favorites to make black/blue decks around. Though apparently overlooked more often than not, he's still a very real threat. 4/5 for iconic badassness.
Posted By: n00bmag1 (7/20/2010 2:33:40 PM)


A friend of mine has deck around him, he puts flying and shroud on it, then uses cards like sleep and deluge to kill a bunch of creatures when he feels the need.
Posted By: VoidedNote (7/27/2010 11:13:53 PM)


I hate this thing so much.
He is the epitome of nasty. He can swing a game if used right.
Posted By: MoeRapples (8/1/2010 1:25:20 PM)


Royal Assassin is better now than he use to be. It use to be a complaint that his one toughness made him way too killable, but now every creature is pretty killable. If he sticks, he can really do some damage. Also, while he may be of uncommon quality for constructed, this card should most definitely be a rare for limited. It would be crazy to see that many assassins going around a draft table.
Posted By: Acefox17 (8/1/2010 4:26:53 PM)


Great nostalgia card. Given the average power of creatures these days, I suppose he is more powerful than ever.
Posted By: RichardJesperson (8/8/2010 6:46:24 AM)


He's ridiculously good, cheap creature removal. Fantastic on his own, he's even better when combines with cards like Sleep and Blinding Mage.
Posted By: gwydion9 (9/30/2010 8:26:36 PM)


He's a fantastic card, and a true limited bomb (not in the "I'll stomp on your head" sense, but the "I can completely control the battlefield" sense). If they can't get rid of him, very little can attack. It should be noted that he's also in black - the color of graveyard digging. So getting rid of him once may not be enough.

In competitive play he's not quite as good, because he's not very proactive - the power to have a creature be killed is in your opponent's hands, rather than your own. Compare it to something like Basilisk Collar-Cunning Sparkmage, or 2-for-1 creatures like Skinrender, and you'll see why it often doesn't make the cut. But really, the little guy could work in more controlling black builds - if they can't get rid of him, you can pseudo-fog for a few turns while you set up your game. Could even make Diabolic Tutor viable as you don't have to worry about being attacked while your mana's tapped out. Of course, I'm not naive enough to think he'll suddenly spring into t... (see all)
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (10/24/2010 2:37:41 PM)


Would it be too evil to throw this with Soliton on a UB Necrotic Ooze deck? :D
Posted By: Luke_BPC (11/12/2010 7:00:22 PM)


Posted By: BALDOF (1/5/2011 7:23:18 AM)


The art makes me think of this guy of some creep who takes up creepy hobbies...
like Magic (ironic laugh) and ventriliquism... or, I dunno... PUPPETEERING?! Puppet Strings FTW.
Posted By: Ferlord (2/17/2011 4:19:16 PM)


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