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Since Emrakul only has protection from colored SPELLS, doesn't that mean this guy can kill him? Annihilate 6 aside, you spared yourself some terrible death (but probably not really if your opponent could cast Emrakul)

My question is, how does that work flavor-wise? How would a human assassin manage to kill a floating mass of tentacles and sponge with that tiny knife?
Posted By: ThisisSakon (4/13/2011 5:41:16 PM)


Ekibyougami: Tapping to activate an ability is a cost, not an effect. You would pay the cost, and then the effect would go on the stack, and your opponent could respond to it by, for example, tapping Royal Assassin and killing it.

omgitztommy: Yes. Combat is split into several steps: Beginning of Combat, Declare Attackers, Declare Blockers, Combat Damage, and End of Combat. Once the Declare Attackers step begins, attackers are immediately declared before anything else is done, and then instants and abilities can be played. The same applies with the Declare Blockers step. Damage is not dealt until the beginning of the Combat Damage step, therefore you have two opportunities to destroy a creature that's attacking before it can do damage - after attackers are declared in the Declare Attackers step, and after blockers are declared in the Declare Blockers step. It is always better to wait until the Declare Blockers step to use Royal Assassin to destroy a creature, in case the opponent deci... (see all)
Posted By: Henrietta (4/22/2011 7:32:10 PM)


They got rid of the filter for ass?
Posted By: draco_nite (4/26/2011 1:33:09 AM)


royal assasin+ thornbite staff= you never have to worry about your opponents attacking in mass amounts again. unless of course they have vigilance.
Posted By: starcrusher (4/26/2011 9:46:51 PM)


Works well with Sleep and repel the darkness
Posted By: Pipikako (4/30/2011 9:55:05 AM)


1/1 body 10/10 footprint, 5 stars.
Posted By: un_diplomatic (5/21/2011 9:01:04 AM)


In this version the original flavor text was changed
Posted By: LunarAvenger (2/20/2012 3:02:11 PM)


Royal Assassin : Haha! Attack my planeswalker boss, I dare you to!
Serra Angel : ...
Royal Assassin : Oh...um...I didn't um...hey Sengir Vampire said you've gotten fat!
Sengir Vampire : Why you backstabbing son of a ---
Posted By: Dabok (9/7/2012 11:23:38 AM)


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