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I could be mistaken but I think this came out in Portal, which had sort of simplified or dumbed down mechanics and cards. Hence the simplified nature of it which results in a weaker version of classic red burn. Long ago it would've been welcomed in burn decks simply for 4 more draws with X in them but it came to the game too late, offering too little.
Posted By: graey24601 (6/16/2013 5:43:47 AM)


The card that should have never been...
Posted By: ale86 (7/21/2013 9:24:36 AM)


I know it would be a very significant jump in Power Creep, but I think the world is ready to see this exact card at Instant Speed. As in, same exact mana cost. I think we've just about used up the Interesting Design space of the old power level.

oh. there's ALWAYS --infinite-- Design Space at every power level. I emphasize INTERESTING though. We've seen enough of what creatures should be dying to Blaze and Fireball. I want to see what creatures evolve to in response to Fire Fastball. :)
Posted By: DarthParallax (7/31/2013 9:30:04 AM)


Someone out there, somewhere... has blazed for 420 damage.
Posted By: Kirbster (4/13/2014 9:50:33 PM)


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