"Well, there goes the neighborhood... oh dear. Now it's coming back again."
Posted By:
(8/1/2011 5:24:14 PM)
What an amazing concept. I want to be friends with this guy.
Posted By:
(11/11/2009 4:38:26 PM)
Bloodcrazed Goblin and Chandra's Spitfire want to have your babies.
Posted By:
(12/12/2010 11:02:04 PM)
Well yeah, you can't afford to not be friends with him.
Posted By:
(12/6/2009 9:19:17 PM)
As much as I love decisions and downsides, the occasional "not-actually-a-downside" is pretty fun.
Posted By:
(5/13/2011 10:52:15 PM)
5/5 for 4 CMC and still pings everyone count me in.
Posted By:
(9/24/2010 3:54:12 PM)
Aaron's Random Card Comment of the Day #62, 2/9/11
Hrm. I might have a bit more to say had I spun up the Guildpact Rumbling Slum, but this is the Planechase one. So I need to think of what to say… Okay…
Many people wondered why we included 60-card constructed decks with the Planechase planar cards at all—why not just give players the Planes? Because the goal of the product was to sell an experience—we wanted players to be able to rip open the box, find a few other players that had just opened other boxes themselves, and have a fun semi-controlled experience built to show off what the format had to offer. If we just gave you Planes, someone might sit down at the release event with a random Standard deck against someone with a Legacy deck and someone else with a gross Azami, Lady of Scrolls Commander deck. There's a reasonable chance that in that game (a) one or more players get totally blown out because of the lopsided deck mismatch... (see all)
Posted By:
(2/9/2011 9:44:29 PM)
Fits very well in the G / R themed decks. 4cmc with a 5/5 body, that adds a point each turn, very good addition to Green & Red. Not to mention with all the Planeswalkers floating around... This guy chips away at them too!
Posted By:
(3/3/2011 11:24:59 AM)
Fun with Keen Sense, and obviously Bloodthirst cards.
Posted By:
(2/21/2010 10:58:18 PM)
Love the flavor text on this guy, what a great card. The creature definitely isn't bad either.
Posted By:
(1/16/2010 9:34:46 AM)