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Why not play it in a duel? I really could have used this earlier when a friend of mine was using an insane elf deck that made creatures with insane power levels.
Posted By: The_Somnambulist (10/11/2009 10:18:09 PM)


good call putting this in planechase, i think. seems appropriate to me at least.
Posted By: metalevolence (10/14/2009 1:33:42 AM)


Can you use this card on untapped creatures?
Do other untapped creatures gain the effects of this spell? Also can you tap tapped creatures using the sleep card? Even though both cards say "those creatures", does that mean every creature the player controls on the battle field at that time? Any info would be greatly appreciated. We have had arguments about this for a few hours now.lol.
Posted By: remingtonfacelift (11/29/2009 2:50:02 AM)


@Whraithe: You gain control of ALL creatures in play, since you can still untap an untapped creature as long as it's not to pay for some ability with the untap symbol in its cost. (The same is also true for tapping)
Posted By: exterion (2/8/2010 7:02:19 AM)


It doesn't say gain control of all tapped creatures. It says all creatures.
Nuff said.

Freakishly evil.
I eagerly await the day it shows up as a Planeswalker ultimate.
Posted By: HairlessThoctar (3/6/2010 6:14:43 PM)


Why is everone getting so bent out of shape over a request for clarification? I can see how people "could" mis-read this card. All of you non-noobs, "give of your wisdom, share your knowledge, not your attitude. you were all noobs once."

Posted By: Speednat (2/2/2012 4:52:30 PM)


I always thought the function of this is obvious too, although I kind of see where people are coming from. Perhaps a better wording would have been "Gain control of all creatures and untap them. They gain haste until end of turn."
Posted By: AzureLazuline (8/13/2013 4:43:11 PM)


Overmaster+Insurrection+Skullcrack in EDH format for instant win and lolz.
Posted By: harvester0souls (10/21/2013 7:49:40 PM)


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