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Yo dawg, I heard you like Lightning Helix so I made it so you can Lightning Helix while you Lightning Helix!
Posted By: Zebra_Lord (9/7/2013 7:35:29 PM)


EDIT2: @Fireballmage: Good explanation. Thanks!

EDIT: Whoever rated me low, feel free to do it again, but at least tell me what I'm missing first, ok? Pre-Scars, white generally didn't have cards that seem "evil," but "Horrors" definitely seem "evil" (afterall, wasn't "horror" supposed to be politically correct term for "demon" for a while?). I'm not hating on the card, just questioning its name/type belonging with white. Personally, I might have called it "Soulfire Liege" and made it a "Spirit Avatar" instead of a "Spirit Horror," but what do I know?
Leaving aside the game mechanics, how is a creature that's a "horror" (even a "spirit horror") EVER appropriate, flavor-wise, as white? I don't know the backstory, but it seems that the creature-type and name should have been more tuned to the nature of white. If you told me you have a creature card called "Balefire Liege" and that it has a creature type of "horror," I would never... (see all)
Posted By: Paleopaladin (10/30/2013 7:53:51 PM)


Sort of a souped up soul warden, it costs more, but does 3x as much. It helps get damage through on stalemate games while also granting a ridiculous amount of life gain. Only 3 spells with red and white in the cost is 9 damage and 9 life gain, and theres a variety of multi color spells to choose from. Quite possibly the best liege, in that it needs nothing except playing normally to make use of its free ability. It doesn't even have to tap, so you still have a decent 2/4 that you can equip with something to do extra damage, like a behemoth sledge.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (10/25/2009 11:08:16 PM)


Lol, play lightning helix with this out and you get a 12 point lifeswing.
Posted By: faisjdas (4/24/2010 1:03:19 PM)


twincast doesn't trigger this, even if you copy lightning helix. you have to cast the spell, and putting a copy onto the stack doesn't count. the most you would get for lightning helix+twincast is 9 damage, 9 life. still nothing to scoff at.
Posted By: PolskiSuzeren (5/16/2010 9:52:17 AM)


When I get him out, it's usually game over for the opposition. Give him shroud or the like and he's unstoppable. However, I think the artwork could be better.
Posted By: RowanKeltizar (5/25/2010 11:21:45 AM)


In a {(R/W)} deck, he powers up everyone else and whenever you play a spell, you either heal yourself or damage your opponent! Nice. I like to play it with Glitterfang!
Posted By: AXER (7/30/2010 8:23:06 PM)


As soon as I saw this card, I wanted to do a themed deck where everything is White AND Red. It then almost reads "Everytime you play a spell, cast a copy of Lightning Helix. It cannot be countered and can only target players.". I once fought an opponent, he didn't counter it when I played it, and later, I just kept playing more card to cripple his planeswalkers (I like Jace's drawing ability :D) and eventually lower his health to death, no matter how many of my cards he was countering.

I like that themed deck, almost every card have both defensive and offensive purposes.
Posted By: Daikoru (8/14/2010 10:54:10 PM)


could be good in my soul sisters deck, what you think?
Posted By: recoil84 (9/2/2010 3:54:14 AM)


Love this card absolute beast! hmm i play a lightning helix and figure of destiny, what you just got burned 9 and i gained 9 life? so sorry bout that.

But honestly i have to keep a lightning greaves on him the SECOND he gets out or he is GONE.
Posted By: Kyzar (10/12/2010 8:03:55 PM)


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