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Community Rating: 4.065 / 5  (186 votes)
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I love this opening sequence:

Turn 1: Forest, llanowar elves
Turn 2: Forest, Leatherback Baloth
Turn 3: Forest, Garruk Wildspeaker, untap two lands, Garruk's Companion

Stuff like this makes us green mages salivate.
Posted By: Laguz (8/31/2010 5:51:53 AM)


Garruk seems like the perfect green card to sow someone if you want to describe the fundamentals of what green is trying to achieve.
Posted By: lorendorky (7/8/2010 2:10:22 PM)


If he's so powerful, and he is, then why is he nowhere in the tournament scene? Wouldn't he at least have a slot in one of them fancy ramp decks that are so popular nowadays?
Posted By: Zulp (10/27/2010 5:48:39 PM)


solid but doesnt quite compare to some of the more powerful PW's..
Posted By: Tokosan (7/8/2010 7:39:43 PM)


Just as broken as ever. Wizards, please take this to heart. If you keep reprinting broken cards or cards that cost more than fifty dollars, you will start losing players en masse. Try to remember when cards didn't have huge price tags stopping the Average Joe the Magic Player from buying them. Now I'm not saying that this is hugely expensive, but it is far to broken with the other green cards in this set, in my opinoin.
Posted By: Demonic_Angel13 (7/10/2010 10:56:27 PM)


yes his abilities are good but for some reason, i just dont like this guy, at all...
Posted By: iNathan (7/25/2010 8:08:20 PM)


I like how Garruk's +1 combos with the Primeval Titan's fetch land ability. Unfortunately, my little brother managed to spill a glass of tea on his green deck and ruined our copy of Garruk.
Posted By: PhyrexianLobbiest (7/9/2010 9:20:41 PM)


Can you use Garruk's 3rd ability EVEN though your lands are already tapped?
Posted By: Kidromeo (4/25/2011 3:57:00 PM)


Ok question about the first ability of Garruk Wildspeaker and others with that ability like Arbor Elf, let’s say you have a card in your hand that cost 5 mana but have only 3 lands and you have Garruk out. Could you use his first ability to play the card? Same question with the elf if you hand four lands.
Posted By: GodWars (6/10/2011 6:46:36 PM)


I love this guy, his abilities for mana, creatures, and power just seems to epitomize green for me.

btw, is it pronounced with the first sylable emphisized and a short u, or the second emphasis with long u? And is there a reference for card pronunciations?
Posted By: mikluemp (8/17/2010 1:51:31 PM)


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