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love this card, goes perfect in my mill deck hehe.
Posted By: iNathan (7/25/2010 8:46:12 PM)


Always remember that Jace 2.0 will someday rotate out. This one won't, since it will probably always be in core sets.
Posted By: TheGodOfWar91 (7/26/2010 4:41:47 PM)


Combo with Jace's Erasure. Consistent mill followed by his eventually explosion of twenty cards gone. Though the finale can't beat the Mindsculptor
Posted By: TraRobins (8/3/2010 6:06:34 PM)


gromgrom777, so dose almost anything else, so stop posting it.

his plus provides 2 and it dosnt suck, and he is a good card without the epic. i have seen multiple decks that will use duble sided draw efects to extreems combined with cards that keep you from feeling the disadvantage, and sense those decks are usually mill decks, jace provides a cheep card that will reward you for doing what your deck dose anyway. while he dosnt fit in many decks, he is defenintly solid in the ones he dose.

i am also I am quite surprised that no one has pointed out that he is the cheapest planeswalker.
Posted By: bijart_dauth (8/8/2010 7:21:10 PM)


It's interesting how many blue/white control decks run 1,2, or even 3 copies of little Jace now, alongside their 2/3 copies of big Jace. Sun Titan has really increased his playability, and so has mana leak, since you just don't want to be tapping out that often these days, particularly not on turn 4. The move towards permission control and away from tap-out means that little Jace has really started to shine post-m11.
Posted By: cloneffect (8/24/2010 9:50:46 AM)


this card rocks the socks and i have it in a blue mill/artifact deck (i only play for fun so it is open format)...add some jace erasure's and tome scour and millstone and this is a steady way to make your opponent deck out, adding stuff to make you draw cards accelerates the milling via the jace's erasures and before ya know it you have ten counters on berelen and pop...game over...if the mill doesn't work i usually manage to have a bunch of artifacts and play broodstars and clones of them, steel overseer doesn't hurt either...i'm thinking of adding tezz to this and having something pretty special
Posted By: jaceismybigbrother (8/25/2010 5:03:15 PM)


Jace is definitely substituting my archivist in my deck... I just wanna play standard now...
Posted By: WarpSpider_Ex (8/31/2010 10:16:05 AM)


I must say I like when my opponent plays this Planeswalker. It is the cheapest indeed, but no one can refuse free draws! That's why I usually hurt him ennough not to allow him to use his last ability, but not too much so that he's stays alive. Besides, if I ever wanted to destroy him, I'd do that just before he gets to use his last ability.
Posted By: Daikoru (10/5/2010 10:24:19 PM)


He's pretty good in standard. Card draw which prevents your opponent easily landing a Jace TMS. Fishable with Sun Titan meaning you can keep on drawing. Can draw burn spells, resulting in 2 for 1s.

For people talking about leaving him around because their opponent is constantly using his +2... if they are, they're doing it wrong (in standard at least; though I don't believe mill is a huge strategy in the other formats either). The only time to use the +2 is if he's on one loyalty and you don't have another Jace v1 or v2 to drop behind him, and if your opponent isn't playing blue then it's still debatable. If you don't remove him ASAP, your opponent is getting 2-3 cards for 3 mana, which is fantastic.

@Guest5137etc... you say your opponent gets to decide, but really, the state of the battlefield gives you a pretty good indication of whether or not Jace will die to an attack. Unless they're playing hasty dudes (typically Vengevine or Goblin Guide in standard), you can tell if he's goin... (see all)
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (10/21/2010 1:17:50 PM)


Jace Beleren is a party for everyone!
Posted By: shanebodimer (12/6/2010 4:20:22 PM)


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