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have this guy and Abyssal Perssecutor out, no one will be winning or loosing XD
Posted By: kelayth (7/23/2011 8:58:09 PM)


Phage the Untouchable EDH here I come.
Posted By: MaizeRage47 (8/10/2011 1:46:33 PM)


Disappointed they didn't bring this back. This card, to me, is like the definition of what a core card should be. No it's not as wet-your-pants awesome as you initially think, but lemmie put this into perspective. I started back in Urza's Legacy but didn't really start tournament play until Onslaught, so I missed a lot of good cards or strategies. When I saw this card previewed in Mirrodin that far back, it threw me for a loop, same with Mindslaver, among other things, because it was like they bending the very nature of the game I knew. Getting this from the beginning introduces you to a very interesting level of game mechanics while still remaining very basic.

To top it off, it also makes people learn how to protect their stuff. You get this as a kid or a starting player and your initial reaction might be something in the realm of "OOOH! THIS IS AWESEOM!" only to have it Naturalized or Nature's Claimed. So you suddenly ha... (see all)
Posted By: BlackFlameAshura (8/13/2011 7:48:06 AM)


Yes, it dies to pretty much all removal.

Do I think this card is underrated? yes. at the very least, you are absorbing precious removal.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (8/13/2011 7:01:30 PM)


A lot of people keep saying how many different ways you can destroy this card. Yeah there are ways, but its the same for ever other card, there is always a way to get rid of it. A platinum angel was the very first magic card the I ever owned, so I have had a lot of experience with how to destroy and protect one.
Ive got an entire deck based around Platinum Angel, its a pure artifact deck too (the recent Mirrodin block was announced a week after I made it, talk about raining on my parade)
While there are plenty of ways to destroy the card, there are plenty of ways to protect it as well.
Posted By: Mickale (8/14/2011 8:59:51 PM)


I wonder what happens if you mill out your whole library while controlling this? Do you just keep playing while skipping your draw step?
Posted By: Totema (8/15/2011 5:55:19 PM)


This card has lead to many stand stills
Posted By: Raezimoto-X (8/18/2011 1:34:40 PM)


So, I had this card out; I was at -2 life and 3 poison counters, then someone tried to Dispatch it, I vines of vastwood and win the next turn.

But before I drew vines...

I was holding on to like 14 mana (including elves), but I only had 2 Artisans of Kozilek in my had and a Not of the world, had to save 7 mana so I could cast not of the world to protect the angel before I drew the vines of vastwood, which after I drew it I immediately played artisan and brought back primeval titan. Then won the next turn with the eldrazi I had cast (kozliek, which I drew into after we kept passing to draw.)

The guy needed a smoke after that game. hah.

This card wins me so many games, I only need a few turns after it comes out. This card is amazing! I'm so sad to see it cycling out. - But then again, same for Eldrazis - But then again, when they were in I thought Annihilator was ridiculous. 0 So sad to see them go, but expected it)

This card, the angel; if used right in the current block; is very ... (see all)
Posted By: Ethril (9/5/2011 2:24:46 PM)


Literally every time someone has played this against me they have lost the game. If that isn't irony I don't know what is...
Posted By: puresightmerrow (10/11/2011 10:59:09 PM)


Make an Edh deck with Phage as general. Run a *** load of tutor, get this, play phage, swing and win. Would this work?
Posted By: SynaptoGenesis (11/29/2011 10:58:36 AM)


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