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Community Rating: 4.429 / 5  (175 votes)
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At its very worst, it's a 9/3 artifact creature for {5}.
At its very best, it absolutely WRECKS with Distortion Strike and Vines of Vastwood.
At its most amusing, it is the target of either Shape Anew or Polymorph.

In all cases, this is a great card for Timmys and Johnnys alike. Spikes will get varying mileage out of it.
Posted By: Ragamander (10/28/2010 1:20:10 AM)


Love this card. Great art and great ability. I have 2 of these in my golem deck and he usually wins it with distortion strike + tainted strike. WIN
Posted By: Leonidus7784 (11/13/2010 10:04:47 PM)


A couple questions:
What happens if I target a golem in my graveyard with something like Dead Reckoning, Disentomb, Rise from the Grave, or Nature's Spiral? If I target one of my golems with Corpsehatch, do I get a whole bunch of Eldrazi Spawn?

I think this is an underrated card, that in a properly given deck could be amazing. Pretty much Blue plus anything gives you plenty of options.

Blue for counterspells, Redirect (sure I'll take your spell that was going to help your creature to make my golems even more cool), Distortion Strike and Rite of Replication (not to mention fun cards like Vault Skyward - fly and draw a bunch of cards, Twisted Image - draw a bunch of cards, Twitch - tap/untap and draw a bunch of cards).

Green gives you other protection in the form of autocar... (see all)
Posted By: JCarlsonUPL (11/17/2010 8:53:07 AM)


This card plus Shape Anew equals delicious Thanksgiving pie, as long as you have the right cards in the rest of your deck.
Posted By: opinionfailure (11/26/2010 10:19:20 AM)


rite of replication makes 22 not 28.
Posted By: Bucket365 (12/2/2010 8:36:33 AM)


Distortion strike, into berserk or assault strobe?
Seems like Kiln Fiend's three metal cousins
Posted By: Kryptnyt (12/6/2010 11:06:57 PM)


So if I mana leak a doom blade targeting precursor golem, can my opponent still use the copies to slaughter the tokens? Or does the effect not resolve because mana leak is on top of the stack?
Posted By: Steel-Hell (12/27/2010 6:37:44 PM)


Man So Ill The Art Is Spectacular. And with Tempered Steel So Beasty Ramping This Is So Wicked. My Fav Card In The Set Every Aspect 5/5 METH COOK GOLEM
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (1/1/2011 3:51:23 PM)


Play Giant Growth and lol :)

oh yeah, and soul's fire
Posted By: iSlapTrees (1/4/2011 2:50:09 AM)


Instead of Twisted Image, use Shadow Rift. Well, outside of Standard anyway.
Posted By: JenBroness (1/6/2011 10:13:50 PM)


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