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Did anyone answer dark_godzilla2002's question? I'd also like to know if Genesis Wave's revel of X is all at once or one at a time. Because, I'd like to know if you can use Sensei's Divining Top activated ability to look at the three cards while the X is resolving. In essence, you could hypothetically "stack" the order of the cards before each card was reveled if it's one card at a time. This would push the cards you didn't want on the bottom.

But something tells me the X is a single revel and not a card by card revel.
Posted By: MTGFreak (12/7/2011 10:57:36 PM)


This card will cost you friends if you spit out multiple Putrefaxes or Primeval Titans with it.

Most of the time, I'd much rather play this for X=5 than play Praetor's Counsel.

Finally, don't run this if your deck has any Protean Hydras. At 1 CMC, they might easily get scooped up and will die as a state-based effect as soon as they hit the board, but I *think* if an Aura also came out, you could save them because state-based effects wouldn't get checked till the wave resolved. Still, not good to include a self pwn possibility in your deck. Thought I'd mention it just because both cards are solid candidates for ramp decks.

EDIT: I'm wrong about being able to save PH if an Aura came out with it. The new aura couldn't attach to the PH since they're coming in at the same time.
Posted By: Paleopaladin (12/13/2011 11:58:59 PM)


This card is hilarious in EDH but is way too slow for standard play.
Posted By: mdakw576 (12/16/2011 5:54:35 AM)


@MTGFreak You always reveal cards one by one, but you can't play spells or abilities while a spell is resolving.
Posted By: Luke_BPC (1/7/2012 7:15:04 PM)


Rosheen Meanderer EDH.
Posted By: Willieskyeyes (1/7/2012 10:52:34 PM)


I use this card with Elves to re-enact the Zendikar Story. Nissa Revane ends up bringing back the Eldrazi (specifically) Spawnsire of Ulamog, after I use a Genesis Wave for 13 or more (so that its 10 cards at casting cost 10 or less). Then I use the (about 80% of the time) Lightning Greaves to have my multiple Priest of Titania and Elvish Archdruid mass generate mana (just need 20) then I pull Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, All is Dust, It That Betrays from my side deck :).

At this point all my elves are dead, then I drop the greaves on Emrakul and swing for the stars. Don't forget you also get an extra turn AND you have everyone's creatures that got Dusted :D.

If this doesn't work out the other common drop is Heedless One, + Ambush Commander, + Greaves.

All my Forests (and the other elves that dropped)... (see all)
Posted By: oafkad (1/12/2012 8:08:36 PM)


I was playing against a Slivers deck and things were looking pretty bad for me. I played this, paying 9 for X and threw down a Rampaging Baloths, 3 lands, and a couple of other creatures. Now I'm a believer.
Posted By: Totema (1/25/2012 11:25:51 PM)


I've been having fun with this and Hive Mind in multiplayer. Games end pretty quickly with lots of smiles.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (2/22/2012 3:12:46 PM)


Just want to verify that if I play this for X=5 and reveal 5 creature cards and each creature was a 3 cost card, that all 5 cards may be put onto the battlefield.
Posted By: icedtheater (2/27/2012 5:44:52 PM)


Ok Question... Assume I cast Genesis Wave with X being (6) and I search for 6 cards and one of them is Ghoultree which has a CMC of 7(colorless) and 1(forest) but I have 3 creatures in my graveyard. Would I still be able to play Ghoultree since it's CMC would be reduced to only 5? Or would I need X to be at least 8?
Posted By: oorazugoku (3/18/2012 2:20:15 PM)


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