Hey, I just realized this is basically Riptide Replicator for life instead of mana.
You've just paid 9 mana(processor + near-death experience) and 19 or so life, so you better have a way to stop them from doing anything next turn. Orim's Chant is probably the best bet, but that'll force you to have another two plains.
Posted By:
(7/11/2013 12:18:39 PM)
Turn 2 - CoreTapper
Turn 3 - Coalition Relic, tap tapper and relic
Turn 4 - Tap tapper, tap relic, tap your 4 lands, put this into play and create a token
You can even have two mana left over if you instead sac'd the tapper after tapping him.
Posted By:
(2/5/2014 4:36:17 PM)
Eternity Vessel's best friend.
Posted By:
(4/9/2014 3:11:56 AM)