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Hey guize, I don't knew if you guize knew this or not but there's this knew card called Training Grounds, and it like, is TOTES better than this card. Pfft. Why would they even print this garbage... Such lame. Wizard are stupid for making this jank. Its cheaper, and does more! AND it doesn't halp your apponentz. Fo Real bros.....

OK, now that the sarcasm is out; yeah, Training Grounds is better in a lot of ways, but this was printed many years before that. Power creep aside, if WOTC didn't make better cards, we would have no new sets to buy. So think about when things were originally printed and use some common sense. This was included in the Sliver Deck because it was an auto include in every then-standard sliver deck. We didn't have training grounds. We had the Queen, Ashnod's Altar, and This. Period. We made an arbitrarily large amount of sliver tokens, gave them "unaffected by summoning sickness" with Heart Sliver, and them made them fly... (see all)
Posted By: Bbone37 (4/29/2014 2:19:23 PM)


Training grounds makes this a bit obsolete, as this costs more, buffs opponent's creatures, and has a lower effect. I suppose the lack of color makes it easier to fit into a colored combo deck, but still, training grounds is much better.
Posted By: r2d2go (5/5/2014 8:31:40 PM)


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