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I swear, whenever I use this card, it stalls the game for 5 minutes
Posted By: Ninjazilla (5/20/2011 9:19:52 PM)


Why is Snoop-Dogg on this card? Did he win an invitational? lol
Posted By: DarkerRarechild (7/19/2010 9:31:54 PM)


Hey Cheza, I think your just tired of losing to Mill decks. I don't think Red would be a good color for fast milling because Red is all about fast damage. Blue and Black are great for milling because both those colors deal with removing memories and such (I'm talking about the flavour) I do dislike decks that run 4 of every mill card made though. I feel milling should be a mixture of presision and subtlety, with decks that use cards like Wrexial to win, not just relying on decking the oppoment.
Posted By: NecroticNobody (9/11/2010 5:39:07 PM)


Easy method for counting:
Sort your deck into two piles, one card at a time while alternating piles. Keep track of the pile you started on, this one will be your new deck. If you have an even deck size, it doesn't matter. If you have an odd deck size, the second pile has the "rounded down" size. If you really want to be fair, you can shuffle before and/or after.

I'm not sure if it is tournament legal, or how you would want to deal with having a 'stacked' deck (like with Ponder and friends) But it works well in casual. You can sort an EDH deck in like 30 seconds like this. If your opponent that played this on you is anal retentive and has to know the count, let them count the second pile before you put it in the graveyard. :-P
Posted By: OmegaSerris (11/30/2011 6:59:46 PM)


By the time you can play this, the opponent has 48 cards in their library, so this mills 24. In a dedicated mill deck, by the time you play this, the opponent has 26 cards, so this mills 13. This is one of the worst mill cards in the game, except in limited and that 500 card format. I have a whetwheel deck that laughs at this card.
Posted By: thisisnotmyname (3/31/2011 6:23:13 PM)


what the f.u.c.k cheza??
Posted By: kittyspit (8/16/2010 3:08:58 PM)


anybody that says this card is bad is a r-tard. before Glimpse the Unthinkable, this was pretty much the only to aggro mill. since Glimpse is being reprinted someday when hell freezes over thanks to the printing of all three Jaces, then unless you want to really make people mad with COMBO milling, this pretty much has to be in your deck. the only thing you can substitute for it is Archive Trap.
Posted By: DarthParallax (8/10/2011 3:58:16 PM)


Play this card against a new player, and then hand them a nail file.

"You have to round the corners of half your library down, and then put those cards in the graveyard."

Opponent: "...but won't that ruin the value of my cards?"

"Of course! Why do you think they call it Traumatize?"

Opponent: ._.
Posted By: Salient (1/30/2012 3:31:20 PM)


Keening Stone
Posted By: made4ipod (4/24/2011 7:02:28 AM)


people thought my deck was gay with 4 jace erasures in it with those my mill deck would be insane!!!!
Posted By: 001011010 (3/31/2011 3:53:20 PM)


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