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Traumatize+Haunting Echoes= A deck with nothing left but a few creatures and lands in most cases. I love this card, and use it in this combo to beat both my opponents in a 3 person game earlier.
Posted By: Nayban (1/24/2011 11:55:11 PM)


It's one of those cards that looks amazing when you first read it, but it takes a while to realize that it's just a little bit above average. For starters, running a playset of them even in a mill deck would be foolish, as you definitely don't want more than one of such an expensive spell in your opening hand. All in all, it can be a big hit to your opponent, but it's far from a game-winner. 4/5
Posted By: AvatarOfHOE (1/25/2011 2:33:02 PM)


This and a level 4 Echo Mage :)
Posted By: Smauls (1/27/2011 10:23:40 AM)


You. . . want to mill me? Ok fine, lemme just Reverberate that.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (2/17/2011 9:41:10 PM)


This does NOT work with Megrim at all.
Posted By: Shiny_Umbreon (2/23/2011 7:30:23 AM)


Traumatize. Twincast.

Two cards, 3/4 of their library gone.

For 5 mana, this isnt a bad sorcery at all. I mean, it's half of their freakin library gone, and if you happen to play this with a UB deck and have Leyline of the Void out, then thats half of their cards exiled.

Or if you dont want that, then just play Bonehoard and there you go.
Posted By: NocteMundi (3/18/2011 1:08:13 AM)


Probably already mentioned but this plus a "ready" Bloodchief Ascension is pretty much a win.
Posted By: cathode01 (3/25/2011 8:32:56 PM)


Run it in a black blue deck with other trash like lobotomies, cranial extractions, etc. Heck with a dark rit you could be casting this 3rd turn and animating dead something cool out of their graveyard... oh might as well throw in grindclock too. Man I hate people like this.
Posted By: Tetsu_tora (3/30/2011 5:23:08 PM)


@thisisnotmyname: You have a good point, but if you don't look at this in the context of a mill-based deck then it is very good.

Definitely goes with U/B so, if not going the mill route, you do this not to deck your opponent but stealing creatures with stuff like Rise From The Grave or running lhurgoyfs (how about Mortivore or Cognivore?) I don't have this card but I run Mortivore in my mill deck which uses a strategy along these lines. This would be a great add to it, and I'd probably actually end up taking the Grindstones and stuff out of it and maybe throwing more reanimate into there.

Blue also got a bunch of things that bring sorceries back so you could hit them with this again without putting two of these in the deck. Going on a limb here, you could also combo with Distant Memories and tutor for this with it just to scare everyone into letting you draw three cards for 4 CMC instead of getting th... (see all)
Posted By: jfre81 (5/25/2011 5:23:05 AM)


undead alcemist.. gg
Posted By: Blackman33 (9/15/2011 12:45:53 AM)


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