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does this work with equipment?
Posted By: sliverlord777 (11/13/2012 6:30:51 PM)


black lotus is a artifact...
Posted By: jasonpenguin (2/7/2013 11:03:23 PM)


A Soul Foundry for artifacts. Now we only need one for enchantments, one for lands and one for planeswalkers and the 'cycle' is complete... ;)
Posted By: Exilyth (2/13/2013 11:45:27 AM)


Caged Sun.
Next cost is halved.
Next tap 2.
Next get an untap engine.
Next find new friends.
turn 5: Easy to get caged sun out w master transmuter. Then tap as many lands for mana as you will need bounce it to your hand for Myr battlesphere sac 3 tokens w forgemaster get this out. (So far only 1 blue spent) Since you happen to have 9 mana floating still if you can tap it for a token of the sun. then copy the ability w the rings of brighthearth. Then you have 1 mana left for what ever you want to continue the combo. Wind Zendkion, liqimetal coating, with voltaic construct to do it a bit different to just play all the artifacts in my deck.
Posted By: XaiviarNightwing (4/19/2013 12:15:24 PM)


In EDH, a friend imprinted Platinum Angel. Thankfully, I had artifact destruction or that could have gotten out of hand.
Posted By: kidhawk91 (5/1/2013 1:28:54 PM)


1.) Drop Witchbane Orb or Leyline of Sanctity.
2.) Prototype a Jinxed Choker.
3.) Laugh is the dismay of others.
Posted By: A_Real_Travesty (5/18/2013 2:16:28 PM)


This + seat of the synod + tideforce elemental + aphetto alchemist can produce unlimited lands

Use this to exile seat of the synod then tap to produce the land, tap aphetto alchemist to untap the portal and produce another seat, use tideforce elemental to untap aphetto alchemist, then untap the portal and repeat.
Posted By: dsdnova (7/6/2013 2:11:13 AM)


What the hell is going on in the left of the image? Is that Venser raping some one?
Posted By: IamjustnotCreative (7/30/2013 12:37:27 PM)


That's exactly my thought. Is to combine these. Zero cost for 3 mana producing artifacts every turn? Add in so many ways to untap artifacts. Mana is easy, like a back alley woman. :)

Lotus Bloom, Sculpting Steel, would be my top two cards. Maybe even Isochron Scepter's. So much utility for this card. I need to get a couple more.
Posted By: Deadling (9/13/2013 8:41:13 AM)


Man, this in my Sydri EDH is nuts...one of my favorite shennanigans cards.
Posted By: ScienceInDisguise (11/28/2013 6:11:31 PM)


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