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Community Rating: 3.452 / 5  (31 votes)
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This is better then second sight for giving your opponent 2-3 bad draws and getting rid of the good stuff. Second sight is better because you can optimize your deck while messing with opponents draws. But second sight is an instant so it wins out most of the time.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (7/13/2013 6:19:15 AM)


Milling 5 isn't even close to rearranging 5. The "fateseal 5 " effect is amazingly powerful compared to milling 5. Milling means they won't draw those cards, and they have access to them in the graveyard. You are also milling them to a random next card on top and you are milling 5 random cards in most cases which overall gets rid of as many threats as dead cards. Milling almost never truly stops your opponent from doing something unless through pure luck, and it can just as easily mill to the point that lets them do what you were trying to stop them from doing.

ex: Your opponent needs a land for fireball to kill you, if you mill 5, you don't know what is on top, you could mill them 5 lands and their top card is too expensive and useless and you win the game. Or you could mill 5 non-lands and they get a land on top and they win the game. While with this card you know what they have on top and you can almost guarantee they don't get a land drop.

Fateseal however hopefully won't b... (see all)
Posted By: cha0sc0w (1/21/2014 6:07:30 AM)


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