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@Vividice - I'm sorry, how does Phyrexian Vatmother kill every titan? Or any of them for that matter? With it she becomes a 5/5 first strike. And while that's strong and all, it won't kill the titan, only take it down to 1/1.

I realize that that's tantamount to killing them because a 1/1 is easy to remove, but still, she doesn't kill them.

Love this card, though. Cheap sources of first strike are always good in my book.

@Danveldo - what NoobofLore said. Yeah the Vatmother makes it a 1/1 before it hits her, but she doesn't get to do her damage twice. So the 6/6 gets five -1/-1 counters, then the now-1/1 does its 1 damage to the Vatmother, who's already done her damage for the combat step.

Next turn she'd kill it if it attacked, yes. But that turn it'd limp away still alive.
Posted By: Magnor_Criol (2/10/2011 9:25:43 PM)


Yeah Equip Your Myr Or Your Fliers Or Nything. Limited Beasty
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (3/12/2011 6:39:04 PM)


"Mirrans can't kill what corrupted them before they could get close enough to touch it"

Infect + First strike is a crazy combination.
Ichorclaw Myr equipped with this need to be blocked with a 7/5 or stronger to get killed.
Phyrexian Vatmother kills every titan with it :)
Posted By: Vividice (1/28/2011 7:48:20 AM)


@ Magnor_Criol: The reason this Plus Vatmother kills a titan is simple, The first strike will hit the titan. Adding 5 -1/-1 counters, thus making it a 1/1 Before it attacks Vatmother

This means that when the titan swings, It is a minor 1/1, and the 5/5 Vatmother will eat it

A word to the wise. Even if your Vatmother has this. Don't go blocking Grave Titan. He'll still have time to Deathtouch your face.
Posted By: Danveldo (2/4/2011 3:42:12 AM)


Nice and cheap source of first strike that any deck can use! Once it's down, all you need to do is pay 1 to swap the first strike around as needed.
Posted By: Fenizrael (8/11/2011 9:53:08 PM)


Amazing little equipment with deathtouch creatures.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (4/24/2013 12:43:37 PM)


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