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I think someone already mentioned it, but I'm more afraid of Legacy. Yes, eight mana, so I may be exaggerating, but I do think this could be played in Legacy, just not sure how.
Posted By: Shiny_Umbreon (2/1/2011 11:19:31 AM)


I REALLY want to see insane vintage plays with this card.
Yes, it's like Yawgmoth's will, but without the drawback of exiling cards in your graveyard. However, there are no great ways of reliably cheating sorceries into play:
Djinn of Wishes
the slower Jhoria
Spellweaver Helix possibly with Buried Alive
Sins of the Past with Intuition/Gifts
the newly printed Galvanoth
Wrexial or Maelstrom Archangel, but what are you doing with that kind of mana in the first place anyways?
Kaho might be possible to tutor up without actually dipping into green (though you might still need lotus cobra in Gush decks). Or just hope you can flip it at random Hellcarver Demon and Mind's Desire?!.

My favorites are Hideaway lands, especially Shelldock Isle, whic... (see all)
Posted By: zk3 (2/2/2011 11:44:59 AM)


This is an excellent card in my Mimeoplasm Dredge Reanimator deck. When I almost mill myself to death throw this down and return my entire graveyard to my hand, then I discard all lands, Wonder, reanimation targets, and Mimeoplasm targets back through Zombie Infestation for a shitload of Zombies, and finally Worm Harvest for tons of Worms. It usually ends with a huge mimeoplasmated monstrosity of Nantuko Husk, Fallen Angel, Marrow Chomper or any other card that can sacrifice creatures for power, powered up with Lord of Extinction for +1/+1 counters.
Posted By: Rikiaz (9/26/2011 11:12:35 AM)



In order to make YawgWin fair, they had to more than double the cost.
Posted By: HairlessThoctar (1/27/2011 4:48:37 PM)


Emblems aren't so the players can remember something: They're so the game rules can remember something. If you'd like, you can still just write "no maximum hand size" on a scrap of paper. Or, for that matter, when you do create an emblem, you can just remember that you have it, without needing an actual physical object.

The game rules didn't need to remember anything for this one, so it didn't need an emblem, so they didn't make it with an emblem.
Posted By: sonorhC (8/4/2011 8:06:24 PM)


I get why it's green but the name makes it seem blue or black.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (9/4/2011 9:54:40 PM)


Anybody complaining about this card's cost has failed to realize that 1) it's freaking green and 2) it's designed to be put into a deck where you have enough resources to recast your entire graveyard.
Posted By: ROBRAM89 (1/28/2011 9:46:18 AM)


@Keino: There's no need for an emblem on this card because it doesn't affect any permanents on the battlefield or add a special effect to whenever you take a specific action (see: Venser, the Sojourner). That and I think Wizards wants emblems to be specifically for Planeswalkers.
Posted By: Keiya (1/30/2011 9:32:20 PM)


Morality shift, then this => draw your library. :D
Posted By: majinara (1/29/2011 6:23:58 AM)


Turn 3 accel into Dream Halls, discard Punishing Fire to cast Conflux searching for Reborn Hope, 3 copies of Cruel Ultimatum, and Praetor's Counsel.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (10/9/2011 10:59:15 AM)


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