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Posted By: PhyrexianAdvocate (2/16/2011 5:39:27 PM)


This feels very off-color. This should be black.
Posted By: JFM2796 (8/1/2011 7:41:35 AM)


I think this card is decidedly blue. I mean, if you have no maximum hand size it's drawing which is mostly blue, if you add a huge amount of cards to your hand its blue, the only thing that is green is the regrowth ability.
Posted By: atemu1234 (6/26/2012 5:53:44 PM)


not as good as Yawgmoth's Will power leek. While the power leek thing is a Joke seriously come up with real arguments about the new sets being broken not pointing at the best cards from new sets and comparing them to some of the weaker ones from old sets.
Posted By: dragonking987 (2/25/2011 8:02:15 PM)


Too bad its 8 mana. Best decks I can think of for this one are ones that ramp and play a ton of instant/ sorcery . Valakut maybe.

However, I am very fond of the venser's journal idea. Imagine the games lasted for 40 mins already and you're now gaining 30 life per turn against a control deck, heck they might even mill themselves out before they're able to kill you if you just don't play any cards.
Posted By: lordtian (1/27/2011 5:50:45 PM)


Must have one for every deck that can possibly support it!
I would run this over half the mythics in standard in at least two of my decks
Posted By: Amnatto (1/28/2011 12:07:48 AM)


"Hey Karn. Guess what.
Me and Ph'dingeer are going to Sheetz, and YOU can't come! Ahahaha."

Why they stuck this in green is beyond me, unless they were afraid of someone breaking it. I'd say if it were red (pyretic ritual? Koth? lol) or blue (Tome Scour and Hedron Crab self) it would be a lot stronger. A lot of my standard legal green decks don't fill the graveyard much at all. Potential for a blue/green deck is pretty strong.
CONCLUSION; this card was printed solely with EDH in mind. Dredge and dredge. And more dredge. and Sins of the past. and some dredge.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (1/28/2011 5:13:14 AM)


It has a spot waiting for it in my Dream Fracture cantrip deck.
Posted By: A0602 (1/28/2011 10:24:40 AM)


This card will be played in valakut, with lotus cobra this thing is playable quickly and you get all your fetch lands back creating unheard of amounts if mana to drop blightsteel or eldrazis quite fast.
Posted By: mlanier131 (1/28/2011 7:52:00 PM)


Completely insane in pretty much any green EDH deck.
Posted By: chinkeeyong (1/29/2011 9:19:56 AM)


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