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This guy plus Yawgmoth's Bargain. It's basically, "I pay X life, draw X cards, and everyone else looses X life." I've one-hit people with this combo too many times to count.
Posted By: Number3124 (8/24/2012 11:50:14 AM)


@Xycolian: Wrong, the power and toughness of psychosis crawler are only checked after the entire ability has resolved.
Posted By: demidracolich (12/7/2012 4:48:53 PM)


I like it with Mindmoil
Posted By: Phoenix1901 (4/18/2011 6:39:24 AM)


Teferi's Puzzle Box
Posted By: Havens (1/29/2011 11:56:46 AM)


Easily my favorite card. In a blue/green mana ramp Psychosis Crawler, Consecrated Sphinx, Time Reversal, the look on people's faces...
Posted By: Zaskist (9/9/2012 11:08:26 AM)


followed by consecrated sphinx
Posted By: roguepariah (1/29/2011 8:31:28 AM)


@ This is not my name

I have that exact combo in a blue white draw go counter.. its interesting hahaha

@ This is not my name... again...

Thats funny cuz I just splashed red in mine last night too for pyroclasm, molten psyche and fling, and maybe burning inquiry once the majority of the deck rotates out.

Is it just me, or is this even better than niv-mizzet? It costs five, can be played by any color, makes aaall players lose life, has a power and toughness that can reach much higher than niv-mizzet (And often will be), and the damage can't be prevented or sandbagged. the one thing niv-mizzet has over psychosis crawler is a dragon subtype which doesn't seem that relevant for the types of decks people play niv-mizzet in and his draw ability. I guess his draw ability does allow for some pretty broken combos, but in a vacuum this card seems much better
Posted By: TheSwarm (4/18/2011 5:56:43 PM)


This card is a wincon in my Experiment Kraj EDH deck. Get out Arcanis The Omnipotent and Mind Over Matter then keep drawing and discarding until you find this, then pitch some lands to untap lands to play it, then get Primal Command and Deadeye Navigator and Eternal Witness, play the Navigator and the Witness, soulbond them, discard the rest of your deck, floating mana while you do it, play Primal command shuffling your grave into your deck, draw the whole deck again, regrowth the primal command with e-wit, discard your deck again, rinse repeat to kill anyone with any life total
Posted By: nsongster (3/17/2013 2:37:12 AM)


Phyrexia, when I said "they ought to put Maro's brain in a jar" this is not what I meant.
Posted By: Guest392185251 (1/4/2014 8:31:37 PM)


I wanted this card to work in my Sydri EDH deck so badly, since I have so much card drawing, but this is one of those "build around" cards that just never seems to reach its full potential swiftly enough.
Posted By: zeniongames (3/8/2014 7:29:50 AM)


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