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NOT a White card. This is a Black card in sheep's clothing.

Hate when they do this with the mechanics.
Posted By: MurphyLaw (2/27/2011 5:11:41 AM)


The complete board sweeping function of this card is white, but the 'gathering up of corpses and reconstructing them into a HORROR creature' is most certainly NOT white. Why couldn't they make this 4WB? Or "If black mana was spent, etc..." Would that have been so crazy?

Posted By: mflanaga (3/11/2011 7:46:15 AM)


Does anyone know if Phyrexian rebirth destroys exiled or pacified creatures?
Posted By: Snottykid (3/19/2011 10:27:14 PM)


A nice board sweeper for casual rounds. Outside of casual it's just too slow. An exile or anti-regeneration phrase would have made it an nice alternative to Day of Judgment :(
Posted By: Vividice (1/28/2011 9:42:49 AM)


It is partially a black card. It's white black.

This is why:

Although White does care about mass removal, it's because they want balance. White doesn't care how many things die as long as the end result is equality. Black, however, loves death. They'd thrive on creatures dieing. They would count it and recount it, feeling a sense of satisfaction for being able to kill so much.

I'm thinking nothing should be changed on the cost, but the token granted should have been black, since that creates an inequality and inequality isn't white. Is that fair?
Posted By: Ghostmyth (3/31/2012 10:25:35 PM)


I don't know, this card just seems a bit off color. Phyrexia with white? The token does make flavor sense but the color just doesn't do it for me.
Posted By: wholelottalove (10/8/2012 10:52:43 AM)


Can this card be destroyed by a card that destroys artifacts?

Posted By: jrsteams1175 (7/27/2011 2:59:24 AM)


This card should have been black/white.
Posted By: Ulixes_Pyr (1/27/2012 8:06:33 PM)


Your complaining that this card is not more powerful??? Really??? You just wiped the field and recovered at the same time... at 6 mana this wins games.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (8/9/2012 2:47:14 AM)


Incredibly solid card; perhaps the new Martial Coup. At the price of 2 extra mana, you get Day of Judgment AND a threatening creature in ONE CARD. If that's not card advantage, I don't know what is (other than, say, Ancestral Recall, Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Cruel Ultimatum, etc.).
Posted By: Ragamander (1/30/2011 11:13:20 PM)


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