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Excellent in Draft.
Posted By: thedarkheathen (2/22/2011 12:33:45 PM)


So if a creature is regenerated, it is technically destroyed and therefore counts toward the token's strength, right? And a creature with an enchantment with totem armor? No official rulings up yet.
Posted By: CountDrake (7/16/2011 2:01:48 AM)



If you look at the wording of regeneration, it says, "The next time this creature would be destroyed, it isn't." Therefore, it never was destroyed, so it doesn't add to the total. Same with totem armor. Hope that helps.
Posted By: Torturing101 (7/25/2011 3:43:37 PM)


Unfortunately, not very playable in standard due to the extremely fast nature of the faster decks where you'd actually need more sweepers than Day of Judgment - Phyrexian Rebirth comes out far too slowly for mainstream play, and unlike its 'predecessor' Martial Coup, you aren't even guaranteed much power after the fact (Martial Coup was a guaranteed 5 power if you board swept).

Potential sideboard card for metas with lots of creature based decks, in Wx decks that can hold on until they hit 6 mana (and aren't already top heavy with titans), but this won't see much play.

Still, not bad for casual, and great in multiplayer. Still, in casual I'd prefer Austere Command for my 6 mana sweeper. ^^
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (8/5/2011 7:47:37 PM)


Phyrexian Rebirth + Fling, anyone?
Posted By: Exilyth (8/31/2011 1:29:11 AM)


Solid in Commander. Another board-wipe is always welcome, and you'll probably get a huge token out of it, too.
Posted By: Radagast (11/20/2011 3:47:04 PM)


Funny against those confounded token swarms that seem to be all the rage right now.
Posted By: Enemy_Tricolor (3/23/2012 3:33:38 PM)


Funniest target for Reverberate ever?

"Thanks for destroying my army of tokens-- enjoy your 1/1"
Posted By: slugwood (4/2/2012 6:22:55 PM)


I like this card. It would seem decks with many equipments can get the most mileage out of this card.

This card would be significantly more playable (and very effective) if the token had some form of evasion or ability to go along with it. Whether it be haste, lifelink, flying, trample, or even infect. Just something.

I guess there's always Akroma's Memorial.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (6/4/2012 11:03:57 PM)


have this in a deck that has elbrus, and BOOM, eveery one hates u
Posted By: Nosrac99 (7/12/2012 10:24:12 PM)


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